Why do i have to play with bots in classic mode?

Classic mode is full off bots.
Why do i have to play with bots in classic mode?

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Well I don’t know how many are bots or not but just report them and move on. I assume you aren’t at a high enough rank. The higher you go the less bots you should see… in theory. At Gold I don’t see any issue. What rank you at Qnn?

Thanks for the reply
I’m platinum almost diamond
Always same decks with murlocks
And that card summons 1 1 boar
İt’s never like that
They always make the same actions
Like druid savage roars and never attack
It is just boring

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That is troubling to hear… Maybe I am just not paying close enough attention. Report them.

I was just going to write a message about this subject, I am currently at the rank of legend since December 4th if I am not mistaken and I reached top 15! even at this level I see probably 65% ​​of my matchups being against bots. I tried to report them but nothing happens at this level, I continue to play against these same players every day. I find it unfortunate because I find that classic mode is perfect for a new player or an old one like me who wants to experience the nostalgia :cry:

Probably there are very few players playing classic; without bots the queue time would probably be too long (maybe they are blizzard bots that are matched against anyone who is in the queue for too long?)

that’s exactly what I thought too. I would say that up to diamond rank it’s mostly Blizzard bots with a weird name (CMEE, NmGE, ect.) but I joined a Discord community of classic player only, and some of them are clearly displayed saying : my bot brought me top 10 legend. I’m discouraged when I see this

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