Why do devs hate Illidan?

We had 4 Ragnaros cards, we’re about to get our 3rd Dr. Boom, and there are plenty of cards which got printed twice (Mukla, Rafaam, Hogger, Elise, etc)

Most players already left the game, Hearthstone is unfortunately in its decline, and yet we still have no Illidan reprint in sight, arguably the most iconic Warcraft character, right after Arthas. What we’re left with is a 1 star card that has never seen play in any meta in 5 years.

This sort of devs’ disdain for some of the iconic characters truly grinds my gears.

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The problem isn’t with how the Dev treat him but the fact his character is a morally grey character he’s not good or Evil and in warcraft he just did anything to stop the world going to hell basically - None of the Expansion really have a “fit” for him to show.

If they ever do a Thing that was Theme around events like The Frozen throne/Nax then they could get away with things with Illidan being use , plus now he does have card that just see little to no play, and he is a jailer himself.

Now you can say they missed a Good chance with Dr.Doom being apart the outlands having a “outlands” theme - but all Demon hunter, are to do are to hunt Demons, which the warlock would have to be the Big Baddie, then all the other classes/races group up to take down a demon lord.

And we can’t say Jaraxxus is a big bad demon enough to pull out Illidan from his hunt. But i wouldn’t mind a “card game” theme events around things that suit the lore as the next person. But the problem is what seems like a natural reason for X to be here. They kinda make somewhat logical reason for X character in the reason why they are there from solo/the card being logical.

they can’t make a new class cause expansion would leave that class with lack of cards, but they been tinkering more toward these “card that give decks” so we could maybe get a “deck” with Illidan as a hero that way but wether it a strong enough deck to be it’s own is a different story.

Because the WoW team spent so much time hyping him into the perfect golden child edgelord and we don’t need none of that here.


It’s less that they hate him and more that Illidan would deserve an expansion dedicated to Demon Hunters and they haven’t got there yet.


Well, remember that lich king, arguably the most iconic figure of wc3, got in the game waaaay too late.

Let’s not also forget many other noteworthy ones like Kael 'thas, Muradin, Lady vashj and others.

Don’t take lore too seriously, because devs aren’t, and that’s ain’t too bad. Hearthstone was meant to be light hearted since the very start.

That’s probably why they changed the game from hearthstone: heroes of warcraft to just hearthstone.

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