Why can blizzard not early rotate or ban out two card

All Blizzard would have to do is rotate two cards to fix DK Zerg Yelling Yodeler and Death Growl. They are showing that they can ban cards or do stupid emergency bans at the moment.


why does this Gonzo and the team design certain cards / interactions in the first place? Ignorance? Incompetence? Both?


Both I think… The problem is DK can abuse Deathrattle too easy and they gave this minion such effect… they shouldn’t… (or change the rest of the game aura effect)… It was a mistake… design failed again… However after the rotation it won’t be so easy to abuse this crap anymore… hope so…


there isnt a good reason to do it

lets face it their nerfs rarely are that effective i mean look at oracle people wee like o it costs 1 more i wont use it but i dont really see any effect of the extra mana people found a way around it we are at the devs mercy till they start playing their own product they will never fully understand anything the player base is saying not that they care anyway


20 characters and stuff


No, but new toxic stuff takes its place.
Remember astalor? Everyone was like thank god astalor rotates and Guff too. No more 64 damage from hand. Meta will slow down!

Yeah. Right. And same with denathrius. And many other cards. Rotation doesnt slow anything down. Ever.

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Let’s face it.

The world could be crumbling down and most people would still say that there isn’t a “good reason” for banning a card.

We often stay with cards that not even work anymore in standard to the point that it would be better to be honest with people and ban they.

If something just can’t be balanced or is being nerf only because of popularity. It would be better to just outright ban than lie to people about the card being “balanced”.

Probably yes to all points, but also the team must be very… ahem… equal, diverse and inclusive (italics for big sarcasm, in case it’s not conveyed to all via forum text), in other words, ‘politically correct’ (or not anymore? :joy: Well, no matter) — they’re probably busy with… other activities than fixing the game or improving their competences, and showing off ‘flags’ on social media is probably the most… innocuous on the list, compared, of course, to the rest.

For you, apparently, there never is. :rofl: You tend to ‘see no evil’ even when as issue is officially acknowledged…

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you are probably lying that link is to a thread about a guy who refuses to re roll weekly quests nothing about your claim OP complains about the meta were “oficially acknowledged”

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Oh no, not that ‘refusing’ again. Typical Boreas…

Oh, really?

Should I add: ‘Boreas, cranked up to eleven’?

This isn’t even funny.

why dont we turn this hate towards who deserves it like your teacher or boss

Well, if it wasn’t a slip at all. :rofl:

Or should I say ‘yet another one’? Gonna bite the nose to spite the face — very mature, not juvenile at all. :rofl:

you do realize there is this place adults go to called college yes? maybe university? just because i said teacher does not mean i called you a kid my ex wife went to seattle U for 5 yrs after school so stop being so narrow minded sheesh