Why Blizzard just why...?

Why those Cataclysm Cost 5 now and only discard two cards ? I know you are only people and you make mistakes Blizzard. But that is just dumb. As i mentioned before. Please just delete the cards if you are gonna make them un-useable.

Cataclysm used to be 4 cost and discard your hand fully. Please remake that or delete the card ? Or could you make a classic version of the game, like you did with wow. When you had borken that brilliant game.

I even heard you overwork your people. And pay them little. So please make one of your overworked people, remake som of all those cards you destroyed.

Because 4 mana cataclysm discarding the whole hand was problematic with how much discard synergy warlock has nowadays
That + the mech thun combo that was becoming ever faster
So they estimated that it was best to discard only 2 to limit the advantage of discard synergy
But at 4 they also estimated it was too good of a removal with only 2 discards so up to 5 mana

They did
Then removed it because it was too niche

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