Why Are Warlock Players So Obnoxious?

Seek professional help.


i have a wife, u mad?

Warlock heroes (and cards) are typically evil, and that attracts “evil” players. Not absolute, but there’s definitely some influence.

Swamp Face may be many things, but I dare say I have never seen a post from them defending such things. That’s a bold claim, and probably highly unfair and unwarranted.
Respect the swamp!

I’m honestly surprised garbage threads like this are allowed on the forums considering it’s basically a hate thread that attracts toxic salty people to spew more garbage and incite fights.


Being a warlock main isn’t a protected class.

How about you practice what you preach Warlock player


It’s obvious, warlocks serve the darkness, unless they have (renounced) it.

But only wild locks can renounce, so all standard locks must be viewed with suspicion, but should be given the opportunity to repent again.

However, it’s thread necromancers who are the ones that are nearly past redemption.


Well this just made me smile. Wittiest post I’ve seen in a while. Well done! I like it!

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Is there a reason you have replied to my comments 26 times in the past 3 weeks? I’m flattered and all but would greatly appreciate it if you would troll someone else. Growing tired of your bs.

lol wtf is this response? It’s like something an 18 year old would say who got married young thinking it’s something to brag about :rofl:


Found your problem!

You’re one of those players who just assumes any emote use whatsoever is BM

dude, i say “hello” at the start of every match and “well played” at the end because it feels rude NOT to.

I had no idea there were people who considered this BM until i joined these forums. It’s kind of psychotic to be honest. Pretty much every game i’vr ever played, it is polite to say “good luck” at the behinning and end with a handshake or a "ggwp’. Hearthstone is the only game with players so disfunctional, they see that as RUDE.


Agree except the bit about hearthstone being the only game.

Definitely a someone else’s problem issue though!

Now that sounds like something someone who married old would post like it was something to brag about!

Let’s cut with the age shaming in both directions everyone!

Plenty of mistakes to be made, from the moment we’re born, right up to moment we check out.

Used in moderation, yes. The problem is, a good number aren’t. Like the person warning you on the road with a quick horn toot you are drifting out of your lane vs the person who uses their horn like they are signaling to another galaxy, or like everyone knows Morse Code.

Talking about me misinterpreting emotes when you can’t even interpret literal written sentences

I was thinking the exact same thing… he will realize his mistake one day

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Lol all too true. Good luck me-from-two-decades-ago, divorces are rough.


It may just be pride that you lost the battle or they “hate” the deck you are playing and deserved to be BM’D.

I would have done the same back when Mill Druid was there. I was literally angry at that deck existing.

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Priests are way worse xD

Priest is a class Solely designed to be a controlling set of decks. Their only purpose is to have an infinite set of answers to anything you play.

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Probably because every winning deck they have ever had has been nerfed or outright banned.
Same with Priest and Mage.
None of those classes are allowed to be good for any real length of time, thanks to designer bias and whiners.
If you doubt that, check out Wild. All of their legacy decks have been hit.
Ten years of cards, yet only two decks for those three classes that win, if that many.
Meanwhile; Rogue can run practically anything and win.
Same with Druid and Shaman.

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