Why are people so angry about the heroic brawl this time?

I’m not the one to stand up for netdeckers — quite the opposite, in fact. This time, however, it would be more understandable than ever: if you lose a game in ranked play, especially with some goofy deck you play for fun, that’s it, not the end of the world (unless your really want those 11 stars for whatever reason) — however, in this kind of brawl your lose a lot of gold or money, and the most realistic way for most players, probably, to increase their chances of winning is to use a strong and optimised netdeck. If you wanna mess about or something, I see absolutely no reason to pay in order to enter a constructed Standard brawl when you can just play constructed Standard.

PS On the other hand, a good point raised about ordinary tavern brawls. For example, there was this one, Rokara vs Tavish: I tried replaying it in order to get different interactions between characters, but many of my opponents would powerplay and counter-pick hero powers representing various companions, rather than pursue the same goal. Alright, there are packs and weekly quests for winning in a tavern brawl, but what about playing in them for fun at least sometimes?

This brawl and quest is terrible for a number of reasons.

#1: It’s the first female death knight portrait and it’s locked away behind a HUGE gold sink.
#2: 1000 gold doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get it. If the quest way PLAY 3 rounds in Heroic Brawl, I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. Because then you’re just paying your 1000 gold and getting a skin even if you lose.
#3: Like a lot of people I already have all the cards from this expansion. I don’t need any packs so even if I got 3 wins in one go, it is an overall waste of gold.


Except this one is 100% not
and is not designed to be.

First of all IT COSTS GOLD
a 1000 even.
And if dont get 6+wins you dont get the gold value back

Netdecker is such a redundant overused word on the forums it seems.
I mean, what is the biggie about people using decks created by other people?
Noone would complain about them if these netdecks lose? (then theyed be called netdeckbots).

Indvdual homebrewed decks are posted all the time for others to try, if someone uses that are they a netdecker too? And?

The sites that publish these decks make money, so is it their fault too for posting these decks? Not everyone has the time creativity to build their own. And most of these netdeckers just lazy and none of them are trying at all to affect anyones fun. lol.

I may be off, but im really seeing so many negative mentions about them.
I dont get?

Whenever people hate on netdecking, they’re just hating on meta decks without saying it.

I did. I got more mad, punched the mirror and ended with 7 years of bad luck, and also big cuts on my hands.

Well, while you can’t always be absolutely original, the set of cards being limited and so on, but this is one’s main strategy, then, how do I put it… Let me explain this with an analogy: if one mostly prefers to eat something that… someone else has already eaten before them, then what are they? An answer that would pass the filter of bad words is: a netdecker. :grinning:

On the other hand, while I was answering this, it just hit me: your nickname seems to have a Chinese flavour or something like it (please excuse me if I’m wrong, I don’t mean to assume anything bad or offend anyone). Moreover, I’ve read that in Chinese culture, such kind of replication is viewed differently from, for example, the Western one: copying the work of a master is considered a sign of respect, i.e. positively, and not as plagiarism or being a ‘copycat’, which is a negative thing — dunno how true that is, I’m no expert, but so I’ve read. Thus, could we be talking about cultural differences here?

Well, let’s put it another way: the presence of a ‘heroic’ Tavern Brawl means the abscense of a playground to mess about and have fun in that would normally be there in its place. If the girl’s (or at least so I assume) complaint is about it, I can totally understand it.

And pay 5000-6000 gold? Thanks Blizzard, you guys are geniuesues.

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Spend 1000 gold for a portrait or Spend 1000 gold to get 10 packs. Which is better?

This post just demonstrates how Blizzard’s anti-consumeristic practices continue to divide the Hearthstone community. They could’ve easily made it “Play 3 games in the Heroic Tavern Brawl”, but they didn’t, because they know players will have to spend more gold overall if they have a win requirement attached to the portrait. It’s a scummy business tactic to ensure more people spend real money on the mini-set.

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From what I hear, this mode is (seemingly intentionally) a scam. The reason this mode exists is to rob players of gold. Specifically, this preys on players’ ignorance. It’s shameless.

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it exists for people with too much gold to have something to use it on

If they released more cosmetics for gold, people with too much gold would spend it on that, not the heroic scam brawliseum.

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No, I don’t buy that for a second, and you shouldn’t either. It exists as a gold sink. Consider that research shows in games such as Hearthstone, only about 1-3% of players actually spend money*. Note that this event has been introduced just before the mini-set is presumably scheduled to be released. This event is made for players, with finite resources, to blow their gold on, thereby reducing the amount of gold they will have to spend on the mini-set, and later, the next expansion.

You’re being far too generous to Blizzard here.


If you’d like, and you don’t have to like him to watch this video, here is Zeddy explaining the situation in detail.

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No. I exists as a scam to drain peoples gold reserves just before a release, not for those with too much gold.

Its a scam, and not even properly advertised - the risk vs reward ratio is NOT clearly advertised, in game, BEFORE you make a purchase. They barely give the bare minimum details they should, ethically, for anything other than a gold sink to entice people to open their wallets in the near future.

Or you think its some coincidence they ALWAYS happen just before a content release?

No, its targeted for cash revenue, not to give people something just to spend excess gold on. If it was just to spend excess gold, the cash “runestone” option wouldnt even exist. It would be gold buy in only, and that would actually be a healthier way of doing it.


cause its a sh1t brawl and its not free.


If it were only 100 gold, and the rewards were scaled to that as well. Then maybe. But it’s not. You have to gamble 10 packs worth of gold and RNG might just give you the middle finger. You’re basically saying it’s fine if you have to spend 50-60 packs worth of gold to try for a skin put behind the heroic brawl paywall.

Heck, I might have even considered it if the quest was just: “Play 3 games of heroic brawl” But as it stands, they need to dramatically lower the entry fee into heroic brawl and the rewards along with it to make it something not predatory.

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Yep, I’ve even considered getting less packs for one of the current skins available for gold. But as it stands portraits you buy with real money are overpriced, only recently have they been worth the cost. $10 for a skin and 5 packs for the class is about the most fair I’ve seen. Should be the standard. $25 for a skin is just bad and their marketing team should feel bad.

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I agree with you. I think you may have failed to detect my sarcasm in the section you quoted.

Probably, hard to tell on these forums sometimes. I wouldn’t doubt if there were employees on here trying to downplay legitimate criticism.

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