Why are HS players so toxic?

It’s starting to become more apparent to me that HS players are a very rude bunch.

I have added players both when winning and when losing and I always get grumpy people on the other side that lack social cues.
I just added a warrior after losing to him but I had last card sif so I thought I would make a funny remark if he added me back. He did. And his response was: question mark, I explained the situation, and he didn’t reply but unadded me.

See I don’t mind it but I have questions.
So what was the reasoning to accept my request? Did he want me to flame him because he won and he would get some satisfaction from that? I mean how are there such weird people. The moment I didn’t flame he just unadded me like he lost the reason that accepted my request in the first place.

I have heard insane stuff from people. Like how my mother should die was one instance.
I mean what kind of weirdo would type that message over losing on a card game. And if they are truly that miserable and get that mad while playing, why are they continuing to play the game? Or accept the request for that matter.

Why has adding someone turned into a bad omen? :face_exhaling:

They are?

Some can be rude for sure but usually It is Just a matter of time until they chill out a little.
I would not add people right after a match.

And even communities like those forums while not perfect are pretty tame compared to stuff around there.

The toxicity isn’t 0 but put hearthstone players together with the top of the toxic playerbases is a very unfair judgement.

That’s why I only add people when I lose, because I’m aware noone wants to accept you to see you gloat

Few days ago some Russian streamer (I didn’t know he was a streamer then) added me after I beat him and I accepted him and he immediately started spectating me for 1 game and then left.

Few matches later, we got matched again, I asked him “Ready for revenge?” and he typed one word on Russian, have no clue what that meant and beat me.

Then he sent me the link to his stream and I opened it. The next game I got matched to a regular customer I play against every day, and I see that Russian guy is spectating me again. So I opened the stream to see why he would be spectating me on stream, use me as a free content.

When I opened the stream, I was shocked. He wasn’t specting me, but my opponent, who apparently was also Russian, a friend of his!

So the guy literally sent me his stream so I could snipe his friend, like, what? Room temperature IQ, bait or what?

That’s why I only add people when I lose, because I’m aware noone wants to accept you to see you gloat

Oh, you really do do that? :-o
I have a feeling we met yesterday or day before that and you added me after a match (which i remember because literally noone does that :smiley: ) and i didnt accept it because I assumed - just out of experience with players being so toxic - that you for sure just want to call me names because of that loss. :smiley: Nice to see the perspective. I’ll take that into account next time someone sends a friend request, that I could trust them. But I probably won’t… :smiley:
But yea, overall I just see people using emotes to harass and i squelch after first sus emote.
Cheers for being normal, mateys :slight_smile:

HS is not a relax game for most, designed to be competitive, and coupled with laddering format, can create alot of tension.

Unlike some other games that range from building nice farms, exploring nice sceneries, looking at cute somethings, that are much more relaxing in comparison…

thus explained

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Yea I rarely ever will accept an invite. Every time I have the person was very unhinged. About a month ago I added someone that beat me, but they would not accept. I do not blame them. But I actually wanted to tell them thank you for the game, because it was actually one of the best/fun matches I have had in a very long time.

Not me, I haven’t added anyone on the ladder in the last couple of weeks

And I don’t do those things. I lose 100 games per day, getting scammed left and right, I’m used to those things.

When I add people it’s because I play with them every day and I wanna have them on the friend list to exchange experiences and builds

I always accept the invitations, yeah people swears,curse and stuff but that is not important. There are also people adding because they want to test my deck.

People take the game very personally. Check out some of the threads where people rage about emotes like well played.

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In situations like this, it may be more productive to look within and to examine why these rather insignificant interactions bother you. Being social animals, it’s difficult at times to ignore the nonsense others like to spew. Nevertheless, we are only in control of ourselves, and ought not allow others the ability to affect us emotionally (aside from like your partner or something).

I respond every friend request, once a hot asian girl added me.

I was indifferent to you, until you began with your “Mother Russia is correct”, anti-Ukraine nonsense. How them boots taste? Like cheap vodka and fear?

Is that what he told you?

Your delusions are at an all-time high.
Nobody cares about your backwards country.

People are toxic, therefore people are toxic online as well. I think that’s the simplest but also most accurate explanation.

Because the people that are still playing are not doing it out of enjoyment but rather addiction.