Who is your favorite twist hero?

I think Xyrella is it for me so far. I love alternate win conditions, and she uses the same skin I use as my default priest skin. I’m somewhat afraid of ranking up and facing Arfus with the possibility of excavating Azerite Snake

I wanted my favorite to be C’thun but his deck sucks

that wont be a problem for long

" we’re going to change it so that it checks that your hero is undamaged. text won’t change, but alterations to your max health total will no longer stop the passive from triggering - you have to hit the max no matter what the max is "


so after the change arfus players may regret playing snake vs xyrella


since i only have free heroes my fav is C’thun, play slow win with big battlecry

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Yeah, I saw that on reddit as well, but for now I am not enjoying the possibility.

I honestly haven’t played a single game as or against Arfus yet.

EDIT: Literally just queued into one after I posted this

2nd EDIT: turn 9, azerite snake, concede from me. I hate it, it’s no fun

This has to be some sort of miracle. :rofl:

…there it is.

Welcome to Twist!

My first game I played Xyrella. Got demolished by Arfus. Xyrella has zero draw. Deck is absolutely terrible.

Played Arfus. Felt like I was playing God mode. Made like 100 mistakes because I wasn’t used to all the value. After like 20 games I got the deck down and just sky rocketed in rank.

Then it’s all 100% Arfus Mirrors and hackers at Diamond.

Finally, it gets nerfed. Now it’s like 50% Arfus mirrors. Switched to Al’akir.

Haven’t bothered playing anything else because it seems a bit unfair how good Arfus and Al’akir are and with everyone and their pet dog playing Arfus, you still can’t compete. Arfus is just too good, even with a 10 health nerf which is nuts.

I’ve heard they are the best. I’m glad one of the top two is a f2p deck. I haven’t tried either one yet. They do both look like they could be fun.

It just occurs to me that people who complain about net decking probably hate this mode

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I dislike net decking, but I am enjoying the mode. I’m just not enjoying how unbalanced it is. I want to play a deck similar to Nzoth, but it just sucks compared to how good Arfus is. You’ll basically never lose as Arfus against many of the other decks. Arfus has everything because excavate rewards are power crept cards on purpose, and you’re getting like 1-4 of them every turn. Playing a Sargeras or something similar on turn 6 is just broken.

25 starting health seems so insanely low compared to the 35 it started with, and it’s STILL broken. That just shows how busted this deck is.

They just gave Arfus too much stuff.
Insane Mana cheating
Constant Value upon Value with discoveries over and over
Value is ALL power crept
Life steal
Direct Damage with Spells and a major finisher
Access to every single Excavate card
Reska minion stealing
Giant big minion drops
Board flood and aggro
and on and on and on the list goes. It has everything.

And then you compare it to a deck like Xyrella. Xyrella has almost no draw and it just does 2 things well and that’s heal and defense. That’s it. No offense. No disruption. No value. No card generation. No mana cheating. Nothing. Any deck that has any offense whatsoever will drop your health turn after turn before you can ever hope to heal up. What does Xyrella beat exactly? I honestly don’t know.

If you play against Arfus, in just a few turns you’ll have 1 card in hand and Arfus will be sitting with a full hand.

It’s obvious the Xyrella deck wasn’t well thought out because of the Snake interaction alone.

The deck desperately needs card draw. It’s SO bad and all other decks out there are pumping out value after value after value.

This at least is supposed to be fixed in the next patch according to RidiculousHat on Reddit. If I didn’t know I had almost no hope after the snake was played, I probably would have tried to play the match out.

I also think the deck will be a little less consistent once the “bug” is fixed that prevents Arfus from excavating the Azerite Murloc, but I could be wrong about that

This is just a minimal change though. Yeah, you get it and it sucks…so you get it 1 out of every 7 Azerite excavates. But when you’re getting like 6 Azerite rewards per game does it really matter?

You’re also not getting the Paladin one…so adding Paladin and Shaman will just be a wash because the Paladin one will be even more broken. The Shaman one you just don’t play unless you go for a hail mary.

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I like Nozdormu’s deck but even with (draw depending) up to 3 extra mana crystals I still feel slow. First round I ever played was Rafaam and I was “too slow” against a Patches, yet when I fight Rafaams as Noz the round goes on long enough for it to feel like a fair fight.

hackers are back? i thought they solved it over day ago

It took them a few days to fix. My reply was telling my experience over the course of a week.

The Beatle

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I Like some of the Bad Decks.

C’thun, Xyrella, N’Zoth.

This Twist Season is great after they bannef the Hackers.

But i hope there will be “real” Balance Changes soon.
HP Changes only is Not a good Tool.

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I want C’thun to work so badly. They even raised C’thun to 80 health, but I still haven’t been able to win a game with him


That’s the weirdest part. Why does his hero power discount cards? It should be “discover an x rune card, it costs y less”, so it goes with the passive effect.

Probably they had that power intended for another death knight hero.

But also, they never should have put reska in that deck.

Hero power, get a random lich king card. I think the just use an old duel hero power, thats why… just lazy work

the Passive should be 1 per turn, max 2