Who all likes the new BSM?

The idea is to give your opponent a coin with Mailbox Dancer, and then swap the cost of the coin with a Drakefire Amulet using Barbaric Sorceress. The deck’s pretty solid, and has a lot of sustain via armor.

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Win conditions:
1.Cheating out humongous dragons from amulets that get cost reduced and copy the amulet from parrot

2.Magistrate with upgrading hero power from honorable kill

  1. Rune

  2. Rare, but it happens. Screw up opponents spellcombo with barbaric. Ive done this to rogues. Nice 10 mana shadowstep bro!


As a rogue it sucks to play against because you have a ton of low cost spells, for most other decks you just make sure to use coin early and yeah obv not keep the coin they give u…

It’s the only deck I enjoy playing right now.

Beats playing Control Warrior any day

I hated the Warrior nerfs, but that doesn’t make me contractually obligated to hate on BSM.

IMO BSM is probably the single best example of everything that is wrong with Hearthstone.

  1. Blow out turns, this deck is all about dropping stats that shouldn’t be allowed turn 5 or 6, but nevertheless are. Remember switcheroo priest? This deck is not far off that one, but can repeat the process many times. If you hated switcheroo priest, you probably should hate this deck if you are consistent.

  2. Mana cheating, I mean probably one of the biggest offenders in this category, closing in on the mana cheating Naga mage had, just a little less but more consistent over many turns.

  3. Griefer like tactics. If you told me mail box dancer would be used in a competitive deck and not stuck in meme decks, my instant response would be, wow that’s like a griefers wet dream. Sure enough, here we are.

  4. Cheese and lots of it. If you think dropping Belinda and high rolling your amulets makes you a strong Hearthstone player, well hmmm, I guess that is what is considered “strong” these days, you know how to use your touch screen phone or the mouse to drag 2 to 3 cards and click a few times, well done.

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