Whizbang and Zayle BUG

Problem with Whizbang the Wonderful and Zayle, Shadow Cloak:

  1. Card disappeared when first put into deck (but reappeared upon reopening)
  2. Deck name & cover isn’t changing (I have my Whizbang done this before but both Whizbang and Zayle are not working now)
  3. Not replacing existing cards when putting in (Formerly it will replace it with only the card but now it does not and tells you you have too many cards in the deck)

This disgusts me as a big fan of Whizbang :cry:
Hoping to fix soon altho it is not affecting the gameplay
Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


Point number 2 is definitely in the Known Issues sticky post:

The other two points are likely related. Blizzard has known about issues for both these cards for a while now, they should be working on a fix already.

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Thanks for your notice! Hopefully this would be fixed soon :smiley: