Which solo adventure gives the most dust?

Looking to get dust quick to craft some standard cards to try and complete my highlander mage deck. It’s the only deck I have as I just got back to hearthstone and sold a lot of my cards to craft one deck as i wanted to play standard format not wild (all previous decks were wild). I’ve got the core deck but missing quite a few legendaries from it that would help a lot which is why I’m looking for any solo adventure that gives the most dust. Including wild

I personally wouldn’t craft legendaries for HL mage since many will rotate in a bit and running budget replacements seems like the smartest option rather than crafting legendaries. League of Explorers has 45 cards (5 legendary) which is tied with One Night in Karazhan but has one more epic. I would recommend ONiK if you plan on playing wild in the future since the legendaries are much less impactful than LoE but LoE will give you more dust.


Thanks for your reply! What would you say a good deck is to craft that will stay in standard format for a good amount of time

as Labrador1205 said , the wisest move is just do nothing and just survive 2 months until the big rotation.specially for a someone who is just tight on dust.
so you just grind gold for 2 month and wait until the next expansion,after then you can open many packs and start a new year fresh.
and also i know that people will blame me for saying this probably rogue is safest deck by far ro craft , because edwin is classic=(always be there)
and not a single legendary of it will rotate,so as a whole dust wise craft.

I would go for a cheap deck such as Galakrond Zoo Warlock or Face Hunter. They are cheap alternatives that have strong power levels.