Which is the worst class right now?

hsreplay shows Shaman as the worst with Mage above it. Of course these are the Bronze to Gold stats? so does someone have the premium ones?

I am also interested as to why Shaman is that low. I get Nature Shaman underperforming but surely Shudder or idk what Shaman should have picked up some popularity with the Hagatha and Aftershocks buffs.

Is Shaman really the worst class? What has been youse guys experience on the ladder? Which do you think is the most underperforming class?

Pretty sure Highlander shaman is somewhere between tier 1 to 2. It’s just not very easy to build well. I think mage has the questionable honor of being the worst class in the game rn.

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That snake oil change was a gut punch to Mage.

For Diamond 4-1

Class WR
Hunter 58.8
Warrior 53.6
Warlock 49.8
DH 48.3
Paladin 48.3
Druid 47.9
DK 46.8
Priest 46.3
Rogue 45.6
Shaman 44.3
Mage 44.2

Technically Shaman isn’t worst but it’s very nearly a tie


Shaman I think has had the most nerfs in the past few patches (mabye warrior is tied?). Hagatha is probably the most undeserved nerf. Second is the shroomscavate nerf. At least they went and reverted slightly their aftershocks nerf.

It’s still a passable class but while it had some versatility going for it, it wasn’t exactly a powerhouse and definitely shouldn’t have seen the non nature related card nerfs. Even then dying on turn 5 isn’t new for hearthstone and I think there was a strong argument that even the nature cards didn’t deserve the nerf either.

I think this is exactly right. I think if shaman had a clear win condition then it would be t1. There’s nothing to put into the deck other than value and survival, and while it’s quite good at surviving and getting value onto the board it has basically no chance vs Brann warrior, since it’s burst with windfury is not enough to kill a warrior. And there’s no way to compete with warriors tempo and value post Brann

Mage is the worst now i think… that snake oil nerf ruined the only viable deck

Those two only show their worst stats because they rely on HEAVILY luck based strats. Doesn’t matter how many elementals are in your deck its luck if you’re able to play one every turn without “breaking a mirror.”
But if I say warlock is doing bad right now it would be an act of hypocrisy as I still play lackey warlock out in wild. He probably did drop 3 tiers from that legendary that asks you to have phantoem of the opera in hand when you play this getting nerfed though. I just can’t tell as I don’t own phantoem!

Warlock is back…with a vengeance :slight_smile:

Guess which deck, though?