Hello. I have all the nerfed cards in my Shaman Guest Galakrond deck. I have a link to the deck I am using.
hsreplay net/decks/U6YuE3U3ChT4Bty1g9bwRd/
Do you guys think I should replace the nerfed cards? I am mostly thinking of replacing Mogu. What do you guys think?
Thank you guys!
There’s no real reason to replace the cards, the deck is still solid.
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If you’re going to stick with the Quest version, and you aren’t happy with Mogu, perhaps add in Lifedrinker and/or Troll Batrider.
Edit: Looking at HSReplay, Shaman, Last 1 Day (as I write this, it is afternoon of the 20th central NA), Legend-5: No card has both a higher deck winrate (54.1%) and a higher times played (65,000) than Mogu Fleshshaper, so maybe don’t be too quick to replace it.
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Thanks! You are awesome! Is that a premium account you have on HSReplay?
I appreciate it! Have a great day!
Too soon?
Sunrise on the 21st, same query has Mogu 14th on played (16,000) and all of the 13 ahead of it have at least as high a deck win rate (49.9%).
The one-day meta has Galakrond Shaman T2, and Galakrond Quest Shaman T4.