Where's the neutral answer to OTK?!?

Figured it be one of the first spoilers revealed, hurry up already.

Why would you think this?

Also pretty sure that Mojomaster already fills that niche quite nicely, in addition to rotation killing a majority of popular OTKs that currently exists.


We’ve got that 3 mana 3/4 that makes your hero untargettable by spells or hero powers for a turn coming out.

My question though is which OTK are you worried about that’s actually going to remain in Standard?


You always got hakkar. Hes pretty good against combo/Otk decks as they usually draw through most or all of their deck in order to get all their cards that they need.


To the best of my knowledge, the only remaining OTK at this point will be Mecha’thun Warrior. Both Mojo and Hakkar should beat that on the turn when the Warrior has 6 cards left in hand, since Hakkar will die to a Malygos Whirlwind.

You don’t need an answer if it doesn’t exist.

Because Dean said it was coming this set in a podcast not too long ago.

Valuetown #203 to be exact, please listen to the senior lead designer of the game before you assume I’m pulling stuff out of no where.

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I never said you were pulling things out of nowhere. I only highlighted a portion of your post and asked why you think that a specific type of card should be spoiled before everything else.

It’s also pretty safe to assume that people (especially strangers) don’t indulge in the exact same content as you. Just because I’m an avid player of MtG doesn’t mean that I constantly keep up with MaRo’s Blogatog, just as being a Hearthstone player doesn’t mean that I have to constantly keep up with hour-long podcasts made by one of its designers. As it stands, to anyone who doesn’t listen to this podcast, your post looks like it came out of left field and without much reasoning behind it. You should emphasize the thought process behind your concerns (in this case, the mention of a Neutral answer to combo by the lead designer) in the future when making posts like this.


I do agree with Mojomaster being a good way to counter OTKs, Mana Wraith also does wonders, as well as Nerubian Unraveler. Anything that can disrupt your opponent’s ability to play the same/reduced cards (Priest, Mecha-Warlock, Mecha-Druid) while other classes have a distinct lack of reliable OTK, like Hunter, or possibly Paladin(Paladin OTK is very obvious, and Unraveler is the only true counter I know of(Besides, maybe, Kobold Monk.) Rogue lacks an OTK with reliability, Shaman’s Shudderwock is very unreliable, and Mana Wraith makes it so they’ll only be able to play one a turn. Mage, any of the three cards work fine, for the Exodia.

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FTFY: Wheres the mechanics tuning to get rid of OTK

oh you just “forgot” to post about it on the OP

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That’s not what he said. You are extrapolating a whole bunch from Dean’s statements, probably as a strawman argument you will use to then complain Blizzard are a bunch of liars.

There’s no, “There’s a neutral OTK tech coming next expansion” quote.

There’s a (you like Dirty Rat, there’s something you’re going to like) (not specific quote) he mentioned, all in the context of testing the next 2 sets. So it’s very possible this Dirty Rat 2.0 is coming in August rather than April.


It’s called rotation.

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Sounds like an OTK player is worried.

Funnily enough you’re not denying what he said either.

They need a powerful neutral battlecry legendary. Pull all minions from opponents hand and polymorph them.

It is also possible to be that card that not let you get targered by spells by a turn.

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…this post is making you look like a troll

why dont you just post what dean said word by word ?

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Dirty Rat is a great anti-combo tech, but has the downside that it could backfire against any deck that has big minions and won’t always hit its target. This card eliminates both of those downsides and guarantees that it’ll be a 2-3+ for 1 in most matchups, even outside of OTK. It would either need to pull all the minions from both players’ hands or have some other massive downside (as in, more of a downside than being a 10-mana 1/1).

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Not sure if trolling or really bad at game design.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Both? Both. Probably both.

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Downside 10 mana 1-1 destroy 5 mana Crystal’s.