I honestly just want to play some homebrewdecks every now and then. I’ve had a bad experience allround…i’ve tried standard ranked, bad idea. wild ranked, bad idea, Standard “casual”=replica of ranked, wild “casual”= replica of wild ranked. Don’t really have friends to play hs with.
Tried to play wild casual and i immidiately got paired against a mill-rogue. i mean come on now people…
Kind of reinforces that hearthstone is not a game in which you can have fun without torturing yourself in ranked…Where the hell do people go to play casually?
unless you arent a casual player
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When I get the hankering to try some homebrewing I do it on rank floors or in casual. If my mmr is too high in casual though, I’ll typically have to lose a bunch of games first to get to other homebrew opponents (as opposed to facing meta decks). Not a big deal, can always concede if you don’t feel like playing them through.
Oh forgot to mention that there is a discord available too to find opponents of like mind. Commoners guild is the name, lotsa great chatter in there.
Low rank wild. Wacky guys lurk there. Them and their extra weird decks.
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Well it depends on, what your idea of “fun” is.
I like to play and play against that type.
Wild Ranked, Standard rank floor, Casual.
And lower your expectations, but at the same time, the deck these days usually needs a decent core or your struggles will increase a lot.
Casual is usually less efficient in play, there are more mistakes and “questionable” cards in terms of competitiveness.
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It’s a PvP game but there is always solo adventures for players like you.