Since the balance patch I have had some incredibly fun games that came down to the wire and there was a constant back and forth fight for board and life total. I have tried sending a friend request quite a few times and not a single person has accepted.
Do you ever accept friend requests? After what kind of games, win or lose, are you more willing to accept them?
I pretty much always accept them. Even if they just rage at me then unfriend I find it funny and it ends of being a net positive for me.
Same. I accept all friend requests… Unless I am playing 1 of 2 particular (bad) decks which are designed to infuriate my opponent. Even then, I usually accept.
I was sending a ton of friend requests when I was trying to figure out what rank players have when I’m not legend (and it helps for completing quests and getting XP to have people on the friendlist).
About ~1/5th of players accept anyway; it increases if you had a good game like the one you described; sometimes they accept because they think you want to troll them and then leave.
I don’t accept easily myself though; maybe it’s because I suspect it’s mainly trolling requests; but it happens rarely anyway.
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I accept them all after a 1 day buffer.
I usually accept them only after 1 day, until that the person ususally forget what he wanted or start to inspect my match and ask for my deck code, but not getting insults usually.
I never accept them unless I am playing a homebrew I am fond of and I imagine they just want a decklist. I assume anyone else just wants to share what they think of my relatives or let me know their opinions on the deck I just beat them with.
Not interested and I have enough friends irl, don’t mind missing out on potential online acquaintances.
During the 2 years I’m playing this game I recieved only 1 friend request.
The player was very interested in my deck and asked for the deck code. I send it to him and we went our seperate ways again. Was a nice moment.
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I do not sent friend requests to players who BM, nor do accept requests from such players.
If a player’s battletag does not send a red flag, I will generally accept a friend request.
I send friend requests to players, who played well in a cooperative brawl.
Occasionally, if I play a long, good game, I send a friend request just to say good game.
Less than two hours ago, I accepted a friend request from a stranger—I might of played them recently in a Tavern Brawl—and they asked if they could spectate a game. Sure, NP.
Only if the person was playing a mirror theme’d deck. And or someone who has the balls to emote “Well Played” when they die.
Most of the friend requests I’ve gotten come from me being a jerk and emoting at someone as they die. You want to talk some Dogsht bring it on. I can mock anyone for the deck they play, and or the lucky draw/discovers that get handed all the time in the match. Usually why I emoted to begin with. Or they play super slow, and a good way to send home the message of “don’t fing rope me” is to wait til the very end when you know you have lethal IN HAND not board, so they don’t concede, and you rope them to about two seconds before turn pass and kill them. F YOU dude for roping me the majority of the game.
I try to add people with the most offensive names mostly . That snd folks from here and a couple streams that I watch . But I’ll accept any request
i like to add people from the forums, to play my wacky decks with
If the other guy plays priest or spam emotes way too frequently I generally do not accept mostly just trolls.
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When I know it’s a rage request I will accept it to enjoy the vitriol, but if it’s someone who actually enjoyed the match and wants to actually be friends I decline
Agree, it was well known back then in early hearthstone hunter, priest and aggro players are the most toxic bunch usually spamming emotes. Back then the classes I mentioned somehow attracted these kind of people. Hunter is way better now, but still applies to priest to this day mostly control variant with tons of copy and thief mechanics.
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Always, especially when I win through luck or just demolish the opponent’s deck hehehe
Once a guy beat me and for my surprise when I accepted his invite he traded his quest with me.
Although in the last years almost no one got pissed off, ah, I miss the old hs days.
The main benefit of online-friends for f2p hearthstone. You can theoretically get a lot of free XP that way, because you can do multiple times the 1500 xp quests.