When will a warrior have the slightest chance of success?

For over half a year now, warrior has been one of the weakest classes in the game even despite its popularity.

Reno Warrior was very popular, but still weak and never claimed to be Tier 1 deck. After Reno’s nerf, this warrior archetype died completely.

All we have left is control, mech and odyn warriors. Mech and odyn warriors are incredibly weak and are literally not competitive decks. No one plays them, their winrate is terrible, and the decks themselves have not received any support from the balance team. It is especially sad that each archetype was indirectly affected by the druid nerfs.

The only relatively viable archetype now is control warrior. But after adding Bob the Bartender, things got even worse than they were before. The deck is based on Zilliax. Before, you always had to worry about Reska or Yogg-Saron stealing ur Zilliax. Now almost every deck plays Bob and can easily steal your key card. In the current meta anyone can destroy a warrior. Buff paladin, linessa paladin, asteroid shaman, secret hunter, elemental mage, zarimi priest, starship hunter, attack dh, anyone can kill you in one or two turns no matter how much armor you have/what you’ve been doing the whole game. Other decks play bob and just might steal your card and win. You can outplay it and instakill Zilliax to revive him later, but that doesn’t always work, often you have to play it just to avoid death.

In the last patch, the devs added a lot of useless warrios draeneis that never made a viable archetype. Not only does the warrior have no good cards, but also no buffs for the current ones. We didn’t even get any compensatory buffs after the Celestial Alignment and Reno nerf, which were quite obviously aimed at weakening the druid.

Ofc devs don’t care at all, they’re busy improving death knights, paladins and shamans. But maybe one of you has found a way to make a warrior functional? You can get legend on any deck in a modern hearthstone, but I don’t enjoy watching torture, so I’d love to get a couple codes of interesting warrior decks from you if you could still extract some fun out of it in the current horror of the meta.

P.S. sorry for bad english Im not a native speaker :Р

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The time they buff draenei.

They suck.


I don’t even see a way to improve them, they’re fundamentally bad.

Is this a joke? Warrior was the absolute tyrant of all rank brackets below the top 500 of Legend since the moment Badlands was released at least.

It only ended on the last nerf of Reno.

OK some small islands of exceptions, e.g. Shopper DH tyranting for a little


At any time you can open any of the vicious syndicate reports and see that in the last 6 months warrior has never once been above tier 2 and has always stayed below 50% winrate.

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VS are all about the tryharding inside the top 500. Yes they speak about the low ranks too, but 80% of their podcast is almost exclusively about optimal builds of the best players.

I already said warrior wasn’t that great at the top of legend. But it was great for all other rank brackets until the latest Reno nerf (not even the first nerf was enough).

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Why does it HAVE to be Tier 1? Wtf? Tier 2 is good and playable. So now a class isn’t playable unless it has a deck in Tier 1? Terrible logic.


Control warrior Tier 2 above 50% win rate


Odyn Warrior 51%


Reno warrior was not that good but people were like animals with it. No matter how hard the deck was nerf they did just not stop playing the deck.

It is not dificult to understand.
Balance is important but no one will play a game were you queue against the same deck every match. Even if a not so good one.


The labelling of Tiers are subjective breakouts that ZachO pulled out his butt anyway. You might as well call what he called “Tier 1 and 2” the same “Tier 1” in your own system and it would not be wrong (it would be just another subjective labelling).

Frankly that site isn’t that useful in practice since those things become out of date even within 24 hours.

E.g. they were saying Lynessa is almost Tier S, but people figured out very fast aggro just kills her.

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I’m not saying it have to be, I said it wasn’t. As far as I remember, every class has had tier 1 archetype in the last 6 months. And I’m not saying it’s unplayable, I play warrior even now and successfully climb. But it’s frustrating when you lose because you literally can’t do anything against decks of the current meta. You’re hoping for a bad hand for your opponent every game or you almost don’t stand a chance.

Yeah 50.89 is above 50, that makes a lot of difference lol. And winrate drops to 47% below 1k legend and to 45% from d4 to d1. I know people are often bad on this deck, but that doesn’t stop them from having high winrate on other classes. Right now, even cycle rogue has a high winrate.

I’m not gonna lie this is actually that rare moment when a warrior wasn’t bad. And that was only for the reason that the mage filled the entire ladder, and odyn warrior was decent against him.

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It does. Being above 50% makes it a Tier 2 deck, which is by definition playable. You asked when will warrior have the slightest chance of success…it’s had it and it’s been more than a “slight chance”.

I’d say wait for the mini-set and rotation, chances are that Warrior ends up with another deck in the Tier 2+ region.

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Posssible troll account found…


Verified troll.

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Odyn Warrior has been and pretty much always will be a meta player deck. Its’ explosive enough to always be relevant in standard till it rotates.

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T1 is the best deck and those within 1 standard deviation of it.
T2 is any not T1 deck that is above 50% win rate.
T3 is less than 50% win rate but within 1 standard deviation of it.
T4 is the rest of the meta decks.

You are so continually wrong its astonishing for someone who tries to come across as more intelligent than us plebs!

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Since when did people who play warrior care about winning. They just care about holding their opponent hostage for 40 minutes and you can still do that against a lot of decks.

Also heres a ‘fun and interesting’ warrior deck (read its downright awful):


You can shuffle about 12 bombs into your opponents deck by turn 6 most of the time… which means nothing because I had mabye 1 out of 60 games where someone drew enough bombs to lethal them. Thats why I added in the testing dummies… If you want to be competitive thats your path to victory.

Nah. People routinely like to use the term “Tier S” too to imply a deck is a total tyrant (e.g. Shopper DH first version (it was low skill and high win rate (even at the top of legend))). Point is there’s no correct: just make the groups you want.

It’s also subjective if you want to even have 1 system at all. E.g. to professional players you may want a “pro system” with more tiers and when you talk to beginners and worse players: you might want a simpler 3-tier system etc.

Just noticed this bullying attempt. Rest assured it doesn’t touch me, and it says more about your character than mine.

Yanming’s control fizzle list is quite neat. Can switch a card in ETC for Odyn for additional win con.


Yeah, this kind of breaks my brain too.

There are many factors in choosing which class/decks players like to play. For players that want to win, they prefer fast games.

For players that do not have a lot of gold/dust, they are going to go for cheaper decks.

Warrior is called “Wallet Warrior” for a reason: they are expensive AF. There are so many factors that are in deck/class choice.

Yes, Warrior has good decks. Great decks, even. But they may not have as many players as other classes. With a smaller fan base, it’s logical conclude it isn’t being played enough to give it a push into the next bracket.

Warrior is not a fun class to play for me. I never liked playing it. There were a couple Priest decks I enjoyed Back in the Day.

Res Priest and Dragon Priest but that was pretty much it. I’m not much of a control player. My preference is as follows:


And all of the fluctuations in between. If it involves smashing my opponents face or building a board and then smashing my opponents face, I am for it. I am not a fan of waiting that long to outvalue my opponent.

It isn’t a popular flavor of tea.