For over half a year now, warrior has been one of the weakest classes in the game even despite its popularity.
Reno Warrior was very popular, but still weak and never claimed to be Tier 1 deck. After Reno’s nerf, this warrior archetype died completely.
All we have left is control, mech and odyn warriors. Mech and odyn warriors are incredibly weak and are literally not competitive decks. No one plays them, their winrate is terrible, and the decks themselves have not received any support from the balance team. It is especially sad that each archetype was indirectly affected by the druid nerfs.
The only relatively viable archetype now is control warrior. But after adding Bob the Bartender, things got even worse than they were before. The deck is based on Zilliax. Before, you always had to worry about Reska or Yogg-Saron stealing ur Zilliax. Now almost every deck plays Bob and can easily steal your key card. In the current meta anyone can destroy a warrior. Buff paladin, linessa paladin, asteroid shaman, secret hunter, elemental mage, zarimi priest, starship hunter, attack dh, anyone can kill you in one or two turns no matter how much armor you have/what you’ve been doing the whole game. Other decks play bob and just might steal your card and win. You can outplay it and instakill Zilliax to revive him later, but that doesn’t always work, often you have to play it just to avoid death.
In the last patch, the devs added a lot of useless warrios draeneis that never made a viable archetype. Not only does the warrior have no good cards, but also no buffs for the current ones. We didn’t even get any compensatory buffs after the Celestial Alignment and Reno nerf, which were quite obviously aimed at weakening the druid.
Ofc devs don’t care at all, they’re busy improving death knights, paladins and shamans. But maybe one of you has found a way to make a warrior functional? You can get legend on any deck in a modern hearthstone, but I don’t enjoy watching torture, so I’d love to get a couple codes of interesting warrior decks from you if you could still extract some fun out of it in the current horror of the meta.
P.S. sorry for bad english Im not a native speaker :Р