When is the next rotation?

I bought the tavern pass the other day…
It’s the first time I’ve actually payed for something in HS…
Was wondering how much time I have with the current rewards track?

Until the next expansion releases. We don’t have a set date yet. It’s likely to be late July or early August.

Personally I don’t recommend buying the pass halfway through an expansion unless you’re doing it for the cosmetics (and maybe not even then). The XP rewards aren’t retroactive so you lose out on a bunhc of levels vs. what you’d get buying it in the first week or so.


Tell me about it… I realized that right after it was enabled, and I started clicking on my past rewards as I’m ~lvl 74… I clicked on all the XP then it dawned on me. Though, I did mainly do it for the cosmetics. Lol… I then tried to play it smart, and purchase 15 packs of FitB only to realize after that It would have been more advantageous to have gotten 15 Standard packs instead.

Rookie mistakes on so many levels…

You’re almost always there to answer my questions, and I appreciate that.
Thank you.

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Hopefully I’m right more often than not. :slight_smile: