When is the Mage fix/nerf?

It’s very obvious that the playerbase disagrees, they think that Mage highrolls are hella fun and have voted with their feet.

I am tired of Blizzard nerfing things because they’re popular. Popular means beloved. And you only hate it because they love it.


I have been saying this for years. But when it’s my chosen class this never matters.
When druid is OP it stays that way until rotation.

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2 Guys above with Mage portraits are saying everything is fine - then it’s fine OKAY - we all agree )))


You don’t have to play high roll

Yes, let the other player win, no problem with that.

Now, wait a minute, I didn’t say that. Do you know how long it had been since mage had a tier 1 deck?
Maybe you should look back to see just how long mage players had to wait.
The deck will be nerfed. Count on it.

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I agree with you, it will be nerfed somehow. I don’t want it to die, just make it less bursty early turns, or reduce possibility to repeat same burst multiple times in a row. For me the problem is that elems can attack face and are too fat to be cleared early turns.

It’s always fun when opp coins norg out on turn 5, followed on turn 6 and 7 by 2 Conmans and kills you from 40 hp cause no class can play cards due to cost / secrets.
It’s not renathal that enables that, it’s the Conman.

Do YOU?!?
Mage has had multiple T1 decks, in both formats, in the last 3 months.

YOUR BIAS is YOUR problem. You not liking a deck doesnt make it NOT T1 by default.

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If they reply “but I mean Wild”, I will accelerate my petition for the deletion of the Format.

Mage right now is not fine, but that’s entirely renathal’s fault. The class was fine before they put Renathal back in. Everyone was basically equally capable of highroll murdering 30 health with similar frequency.

The 40 health though? That slowed down the game a bit, which heavily favored the orb version of mage that is more than happy to take it’s time.

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I think to many people, Mage and Priest are in the same box. Annoying to play against even when they are among the weaker classes because they can do things that just rub people the wrong way. Mages freezing board, Priests board clearing and healing, secrets, discover cards, etc. So yeah, people will complain when either one gets a power boost. The issue with Mage is that, their CLASS CARDS were ok…as long as they didn’t have access to Rogue’s tourist, the Conman, and coin generators. That’s what really tips the scale. I have been saying for weeks that the way to really nerf it is to make the Tsunami elementals not go face. It’s still a powerful play on turn 5, but acts as a board control tool and threat, but at least gives the opponent time to react. Of course, the mages cry about how that would kill the card, but imo, it would simply make it a bit more balanced. Or as balanced as getting to play a 10 mana spell can ever be.

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I am not a “They”. I am a “He”.
But thanks for thinking of my brethren.

Were it up to me, renethal and tourist cards would not exist.
This is what comes of not having any original ideas beyond poaching and homogenizing.

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They is proper English regardless of gender identity, they just doesn’t refer to it.

They/them is also appropriately used in the singular.

So you are both a they, and a he, but thanks for the pronoun preference :slight_smile:

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BSM was never Tier 1. It was just very popular.


Har de har. I graduated English Lit with a BA from Henderson U in 1991.
But thanks for the nightmare flashback:)