I don’t play this game like it’s my job. It’s basically a time-wasting game for me.
But the shear number of times I get what seems like deliberately screwed over by my teammate is crazy.
Just now, 5mins ago We were on our way to getting first or second, primarily because my board was really strong. I was running Murlocs with 2 Operatic Belcher’s plus double trinkets. So nearly everything on my board was over 100 in stats and 3 of them were between 200 and 300.
My teammate got a third Belcher and question marked it in his hand, I didn’t want a gold one since having 2 was more advantageous since I was getting none of the other good Murloc cards. I marked it with an X, and this guy waits until the rope is nearly gone and trades the third murloc creating a gold and removing my win condition off my board. We lost… because his subpar rebirth undead board couldn’t kill the second player who had a minion with over 400hp… (meaning my board was strong enough to kill the first player minus my win condition and 2 massive minions)
Like why can’t I report this guy? There is no way this wasn’t intentional.