Wheeeellll oofffff deeeaaaaaattthhhhhhhh

Shoutout to every Warlock who has played this card, an died instead of the opponent dying :joy:.


Absolute banger of a card

Iā€™m already used to self-harm and discarding cards as warlock

Suicide is just another step in the right direction for that class xD


seems like wild only card

in wild you can shuffle "cast whend drawn " warlock cards and then renounce darkness to avoid fatigue damage

and of course the quest


I actually managed to pull off a win the very first time using this card and had a warlock win vs me with it. If your opponent isnā€™t playing an otk you can pretty easily stall 5 turns with sargereas and reno + some other removal cards in your hand. Granted I havenā€™t tried it vs some tier 1 meta deck like rainbow DK yet tho


can i shoutout the fact that I rolled it from yogg box, not once, not twice, not thrice, but FIVE TIMES

kill me now


What is your win rate out of those 5 times? Iā€™m interested :smiley:

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I lost to Whizbang decks of Wheel of Death. By the time he played that legendary the replaces his deck. I was utterly defeated.

For me to think he destroyed and replaced his deck. As a Plague DK, I thought I had a chance to annihilate him with plagues. But to think he replaced it afterwards; shocked me.


As a mage player I died it to after I cast the yogg card.

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Yh, I ainā€™t trusting anything which has a word ā€œYoggā€ in its name


All hail the Yogg. The random game called Wheel of Death.


well it is just called Wheel of Deathā€¦ didnā€™t mention who will die because of it! :rofl:


Unless when youā€™re on the receiving end of bad RNG and play it on accident, it looks like itā€™s a viable win con

Iā€™ve watched NoHandsGamer beat people in high legend with it, and most of the times it doesnā€™t even win the games with itsā€™ effect, but because it puts pressure on people and they start making mistakes

Possibly it will stop working like that when people find a counter to it, but at least right now, itā€™s much more viable than anyone expected it to be

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This is hilarious! I love this sort of deck in HS (although I know that many people do not), but the possibility having it cast randomly is so delicious.

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Standard you can Tony. Not that you need to.

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