What's your star bonus?

For a while now I only played enough to get to rank 5, getting 10 bonus stars was pretty surprising.

I see how it works for sure now Schyla. I started with 10 stars like you and I just hit diamond 5 and no longer have a single star bonus. Plus there is no longer win streak bonus at 5.

Started with 9 stars from rank 6(wasn’t ranking last month, but had a startling win streak from a homebrew and hopped from 14 to 6 on the 1st before I went to bed)

Havent had much time to play but I hit the lowest tier of… platinum I think? The one after Gold, anyway, this morning. I

You got 10? I was rank 3 and only got 9 bonus stars. I’m sad now.

8 Stars for a Rank 8 finish.

I got rank 1 wild and got 10 stars.

Got 9 stars but I was rank 20 or something due to not playing ranked. This new system made me try ranked again and I’m already Diamond 10 but I lost my stars. This is first time ever I feel like I should atleast try to get to Legend (I have always stopped at Rank 5 before).

I have a 8 star bonus :slight_smile: stuck at platinum 5, the highest i got was 2 star plat or 3.
Hoping to hit diamond before ashes hit , my usual rank is 9 with rank 6 being the highest I’ve been each respective season.

And recently i been trying to be high ranked in both ranks i am also platinum in wild.

You face nothing but high MMR players during your climb with x11.

From experience, I can definitely say that winning games vs against nothing but top 500 players is definitely harder than vs rank 5-1 players in terms of sheer win rate.

Though, indeed it’s still easier to climb with the x2 multiplier from 5 to L but it would be ridiculously hard to get legend with x1 and MMR matching for high ranked players.

I skipped a few months, decaying from rank 4 to 13. I got 7 bonus stars.

Haven’t done any ranked yet, I’m waiting for tomorrow for Ashes.

My rank decayed to rank 20 in Wild bc of few months of inactivity and I still got 10 stars. :smile: