What's your star bonus?

Just checked for Science, I was gifted 9 stars for this new system. Nice getting 10 though dude!

Edit: Didn’t think to check wild. But I think it will be 9 like I got for standard?


I got 9 stars.

finished at rank 4 or 5, highest during the season was 3.

Rank1 10x starsssssssssss bs 20 character rule… douches

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Finished 4 in standard got 9 star bonus
Finished 7 in wild, also got 9 star bonus

I don’t know how is this possible tbh.


so your MMR determines your star bonus and the rank floor is the multiplier?

(im a little behind on things)

Rank 3 got me 10 stars.

I ended r3 on both ladders, but reached r2 on both, my star bonus was 10x at bronze10, currently 5x at gold5

it seems your previous rank will constitute your minimum bonus, but your bonus can further increase depending on your MMR

Rank 5 in Wild- 10 stars
Rank 5 in Standard(?) - 9 stars?

(Can’t remember if I bothered to hit 5 in standard last month, so might have only been rank 7 or 8)

The star bonus applying double on win streaks is very, very nice for levelling up quickly. Just hit Gold 5 and it’s still 5 stars I think.

10 stars for Legend, rank 1750 orso. Seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, or does MMR come in to it?

ok, this makes sense now. so finishing on a win-streak grants you + 1 star. your MMR determines your bonus, and the rank floor is the multiplier (and the default star bonus). that makes sense.

edit: nvm. all makes sense again.

they lay it over the old system by placing everyone in Bronze league (legend is unchanged). yes :+1:?

Finished at r3 Wild last season, started with a 10 star bonus.

Interestingly enough, I lost 3 games in a row at some point, and my star bonus lowered from 10 to 9. So while you “can’t lose stars” at a ranked floor, you can still lose bonus stars.

Incidentally, win streaks are crazy. As I started climbing, my star bonus got lower and lower, but win streaks award double stars, 14 and 12 for me at the time, causing some big rank jumps.

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Guessing Plat 5 is = rank 15
Diamond 10 is old 10 and 5 is 5.
Useless change

3 Stars @ Level 20.

The highest level I have ever reached was Rank 14 during the Disguised Toast Budget Hunter deck era.

Outside of that one month, I used to play to get to 20 for the card back. Then once things switched over, I was forced to rank 20 because I had made it to 15 once in my life. From there, I played just enough games to get the card back, and when a particular quest fit my one ladder deck the best (Play Deathrattle Minions, Token Druid). Since that last ladder revamp, I don’t think I ever made it higher than Rank 18.

I suspect the people that were playing in the Rank 20s and still got things like 9 stars, at one time in their HS career got very high on the ladder. I suspect that once that happens your MMR is set high and it is almost impossible to get it back down again, even if all you do from there out is play jank and things like Whizbang. This is the problem with MMR being assigned to the player and not the players individual decks.

I finished rank 17 wild and got 4*.


I got 7 from #15, but I read that 11 is the max possible you can get in one season.

Your janky crap isnt janky enough obviously.

R12 = 6 star bonus.

I think whats happening with the extreme fluctuations we are seeing is that they have not just used last season, but a far larger sample, possibly even your entire account history, to determine your bonus.

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Rank 16 gives you 5 stars.

I have a question, I’ve lost a few (some decent players at Bronze 10, not sure how MMR is working) but I didn’t lose my streak or stars. Does this go away at a certain breakpoint or at the point where you finished last month?

So for me, last month was Rank 16, so come Bronze 6, I should lose my streak if I lose right?

So far though, I’ve been more interested and excited in playing Ranked than before. So I don’t know if it’s the enticement of the rewards or because it’s laid out better or what.

I assume when you say “streak” you mean star bonus, right?

No, you lose 1 star at each rank floor (bronze 5, silver 10, silver 5, etc.) not at each rank. However, it is possible based on some comments, that you might lose some of the MMR portion of your star bonus, if your MMR drops below an unknown threshold between ranked floors.

Rank 4, 9 Stars. Currently Plat 6.

Update: Just hit Diamond 10. 0 Stars remaining.

I did, yes.

Ah that’s pretty cool then! Do I still lose stars after a certain breakpoint but maintain the star bonus if I haven’t reached the rank floors?