Random duo’s event that blew my mind for a moment:
Teammate in duos get Snake Eyes, highrolls a 6 on turn one for 8 gold. I get the naga that gets +1 stas a turn on spellcast, along with my opponents big banna, for an easy turn 1 five stat minion with decent scaling. My teammate ALSO has that naga, which I mark for pass since he has 8 gold and isn’t leveling like a smart person. He buys a 1/2 relaxer and refreshes all the rest of the gold, going by two more of my naga in the process.
How do you react to someone like that? XD
We don’t live in the same universe
Sorry, can’t here you from up here on the winners podium! XD
J/K I play duos with randos for the fun? of it. I can usually carry to second, but consistent first is hard!
I keep feeling happy, that I don’t play team games with randies. Team games are for friends; the more they are friends the better; actual physical-contact friends are the best but anything is better than randy.
upgrade and buy a unit for 8 gold looks good
Fascinating how murloc holmes was considered “Uncooperative” for duos but the other potential money makers like snake eyes are considered legit
Ive never seen any comments about MH in duos. I mean, its 1 gold a turn IF you are observant/good at guessing, whereas snakeeyes in the same amount of gold but garunteed and in bursts. Honestly I think they need to make snakeyes 1 less minimum gold but one less maximum cd, so you can actually get zero gold if you dub a roll, making it an actual risk.