What turns are considered early,mid & late game?

like title says, trying to strengthen my foundations.

Just like other card games:
Early game: 1 to 3 mana, you start to plan your game and watches your opponent, play some start game cards and see how your opponent react.
Mid game: 5 to 7 mana, when you pretty much understand most of your opponent’s tactics, and start to set up secrets, completing your quest, develop a board or cast your necessary spells.
Late game: 7+ mana, your opponent and you set up the game by playing big or bigger minions and spells, you take advantage of your quest reward or set up your finisher legendary or combo.
End game: You set up lethal. There are a few ways of it.
special combo: Mogu cultists and desert obelisks are perfect examples, they work great in wild. Or some insane combo where you copy your opponent’s deck or gain an insane amount of armor and ways to stay alive and your opponent dies by fatigue, a way player takes more damage when drawing from an empty deck.
alternate win: Deathknight Uther and Mecha’Thun are great examples, they destroy your opponent once you set up a specific situations. The only ones are now in wild
legendary finisher: a legendary minion or spell, typically becomes better and more useful as you set it up along the way. Chef Nomi would be an example here, there are many ones in wild you can look up.
even / odd deck advantage or deck restrictions: a start of game legendary minion effect or a special cards awarding you for including only even or odd cards or a specific deck restrictions limiting you only to play certain cards, you get a special advantage from these restrictions. Such as start of game effects from legendary minions and instant buff and damage from commons, rares and epic not fitting for mana cost. Example 4 mana 4/4 minion if your deck has only odd cost cards deal 4 damage. Restricting your deck for an advantage possible for late game and mid game and can set up lethal with help of other methods.