What Region, has the highest skill? I'm talking top 1K

Pretty sure it’s the weakest of the 3 servers.

We’ll find out later today

Got 700 on NA, 1.5k EU (those two ranks are the same difficutly apparently), and today’s the Asia day

My free decks are unlocked

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How can multiple upon multiple times more people be worse?

Botting can’t explain it since that’s a low rank thing.

Sounds kinda racist against Asians to be honest.

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China is where the most Asian people are, and Chinese play on EU since their server has been disbanded. So, no, there’s no multiple upon multiple times more people there.

For comparison, we know that’s the server with most bots, and we can see that there’s currently 23k people in Legend on EU, 26k people in Legend on NA and 75k people in Legend on Asia. That goes to show how easier it is to hit legend on Asia than on EU and NA.

In fact, if you look at the numbers of MY ranks and the numbers of people on each server, you will see that the smaller the number of people in Legend the lower my rank on that server is, which fits in the theory that the less people you have in Legend, the harder the server is

And saying that EU is harder than NA isn’t racist toward NA?

The only one being racist here is you, because you’re enforcing a discrimination. If we talk about server difficulty objectively, there’s no room for emotional things like racism in the discussion.

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Current nerfs have made this new hearthstone account pretty much dead. So now I play Boros Convoke and am having fun. Will hit Mythic soon.

There is no SKILL involved in this game lol… Poor Carn always thinking a highly RNG game has any actual skill.

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Why you have such opinion? :slightly_smiling_face:
I got legend even in Standard for “boredom” and that for me is irrelevant

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Source: butt; they barely register unless they are early morning hours; Americans (especially the racist Americans) keep complaining about seeing them.

Unfathomable nonsense; people hold others down on rank depended only on skill; therefore only racism calling for “Asians being bad at skill inherently)” would cause that .

Your sample of 1 is irrelevant. you keep bragging about yourself; nobody cares.

I’m not the one advertising to people that Asians are bad and botters and noobs.

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Just like now they are, 3 am, and I’m playing against one as we speak