What rank everyone hit

I hit rank 5 platinum this month with a spell mage.


I hit Legend my good man

I could go legend, but it would be a true grind just where it is now.

Silver 3 in standard, gold 8 in Wild


D2 and won’t make to legend because of the insane unbalance again… don’t even care anymore…

the Chicken rank 10.


Legend as of yesterday. Extremely lazy/casual about it

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High Legend in Wild :rainbow:

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Top 900 on NA and EU, trying to decide where to go all-in until the end of the day xD

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D1 with Highlander Priest. got to D5 before the changes with a reno wish shaman. It had 2 wish upon a star, which is now no longer a viable reno deck.

I actually have quit the game for periods of time and were overall much happier. However, like all men I struggle with addiction and relapses.

Currently I’m diamond 2 and can’t bother to push past that. The more I play the stronger the desire to vomit befalls me.

One day I will be able to delete my Blizzard account permanently, and hopefully you too.
-Memento mori


D2 with Plague DK
I wish there was a faster deck for DK, as I’m trying farm wins for portrait.

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Dumpster legend. Mostly due to conceding about half the matchups because they are a waste of time.

Not aiming for top 100 or smth anyway, dont have the time for that and i would probably go insane as the higher you go the more of the toxic trash you see.

Standard Legend with Zilliax Rogue (hate me :sweat_smile: )
Wild Legend with Big Shaman.
Twist Legend since Last Month :man_shrugging: (because of the Break maybe? I Just was in Legend 2 at 00.01, now Legend 37 :man_shrugging: ).

No real tripple Legend, but it looks nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Legend with homebrew Big DH, after nerf to Umpire’s Grasp. Got my 1k wins, too!

I’ve such a backlog of games I’m catching up on with more getting released (APPARENTLY Manor Lords is something I’ve always wanted, which I didn’t know until it was released in EA last week; also, Stellar Blade, but I’m holding out on that one for now).

Anyway, I think I’m Gold 10 without any star bonus currently. The expected aftermath of not playing Standard for a year. I haven’t played much of it since the patch, tho I have played some BGs.

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Currently Diamond 4 , Wheel Warlock to D6, then Pain Lock to D4, 3 stars. Mostly playing BGs though. Maybe one stabdard game every two days.

Didn’t do the legend grind this time, i hit diamond 2 on EU and pretty much stopped.
I did make a diamond 5 climb on NA with whizbang the splendiferous only.
I don’t expect to play much next month either, I’m busy getting ready for Cataclysm

I will just double check, is it because hagatha needs to draw the spells so etc allowing two is mostly pointless w/o shudderblock tripling it?

PS Diamond 9 I think, I mostly remember hitting diamond so maybe only D10