What makes players not return and spend money

So I decided to return and give hearthstone some hours of my life after the whole blizzconline event. But after not being able to create new decks, or delete the ones I have made, and having all deck slots locked is making me give up. Why? Because I have to beat what seems to be the best NPC deck ever with the most trash prebuilt deck to unlock “all the classes” to even be able to play. This is dumb. Google anything related to this and you will see tons of pages having the same issue. This is a easy way to push returning players away and get them to not spend money on your game.

Also, before you say get gud, you are missing the point of the post. This shouldn’t stop people from making decks with the heroes and cards they have unlocked already. Ive attempted this fight 4 times already. Not going to do it again. So thanks blizzard for stopping me from playing with the cards I’ve already paid for in the past.

Hopefully, that glitch will be fixed in the next patch.

Apparently it has already been like this for months? According to other posts. That’s really dumb.

Don’t worry. They’ll remove the DH requirement prologue next expansion.

Patch 20.0 is coming in less than a week.

Secondly, if you are having trouble beating DH Prologue, how can you be expected to do well enough on ladder?
Icecrown is harder than this.

Board control. Trade and kill what’s important. Google video guides on how to complete this instead.

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They are right the Demon Hunter Prolog is legit a pre-made beck and doesn’t need any of your own cards, and the Lich King is a Big Cheater. I wish I was joking lol.

I could make a new HS acc and literally do the prolog or even unlock all the classes with the basic deck you get.

Altho I do wonder now what going happen to the basic card you unlock when the core rotates now, so thanks for a topic to talk about.

Players can get the Regular and Golden Basic cards, as well as regular DH Initiate by unlocking Wild. AFAIK from the devs, this stays true after rotation.

Already made topic but here I’ll sum up what I said there.

Remember when you start the game you only have Mage - normally you’ll have just basic cards. So while yes you can get the regular and golden card and DH initiate by unlocking wild - I’m talking and meaning the new account fresh from tutorial - they won’t be able to do Wild right away unless they skip the new player thing - and they will need to battle each class to unlock a class - so will it be harder or easier with the core cards.

He just wants to be able to play the game. Maybe he would lose a lot on ladder, too, but he should at least be allowed to play, shouldn’t he?


I don’t fully understand what is happening, what do you mean your decks are locked?

Exactly. Idgaf about playing on the ladder and if I want to play the ladder idc about getting to rank one. Clearly I’m a casual hearthstone player. I have purchased at least $200+ of cards and I can’t use any of them because I can’t delete decks. Or build additional decks. I can’t play with the decks I’ve built. That’s what I’m pissed about. Essentially blizzard is stopping me from playing with what I’ve bought. I can only have 3 decks. Two are ones I built during the dragon expansion. One is a basic deck I can’t customize. I’ve attempted this Cenarius fight over 10 times now. Closest I got was him down to 14 while him having a clear board and I had 9 health left. Summons the deer and then that kills me next round. It’s broken. It shouldn’t be this rng heavy just to unlock the ability to mess with cards I have already purchased in the past. Yet im told to just get good or I’ll never get far if I can’t beat a pve match I literally don’t care about. Those people are missing the point.

It means I have three decks built. One is a basic hunter premade the game gave me when I rebooted the game for the first time in a long time. The other two are from the dragon expansion I built. All other slots are locked. I can’t delete the three decks because it says I have to unlock all characters first. So literally have to bang my head against the wall going up against what seems like the strongest taunt /minion spawn deck in the game with a deck that literally makes you try to kill yourself just trying to clear the board. All to unlock the ability to play with cards I’ve purchased in the past.

With the next patch, it will become much easier to unlock demon hunter.
From https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/hearthstone/23642550/20-0-patch-notes,

  • Updated the Demon Hunter class so that it can be unlocked by playing against the class in Play mode or beating the class in Practice mode. Completing the Demon Hunter prologue will still unlock the class but will now reward 1 Demon Hunter class pack for players that have yet to complete it.

That’s good and all but still doesn’t drive home the fact that this shouldn’t have ever been a issue in the first place for people. It should’ve been hot fixed. Also it still doesn’t fix the situation at hand. People shouldn’t ever be locked out of building or deleting decks when they return to the game after any length of time being away. Especially if they’ve paid for cards. Why does unlocking all classes have anything about deleting or building decks? Some people don’t want to play all classes. Some people might only want to play mage, or Druid, or whatever class. It’s a terrible design and needs to be addressed. Addressing it with a “demon hunters will be unlocked in play mode” is a poor way Of trying to fix the situation. What if my basic hunter deck blizzard forced me to have upon returning can’t beat a demon hunter deck? What if my galakrond decks that are probably wild now can’t even play in that mode? Then people are still in the same boat.

If I understand this correctly, you cannot construct nor delete decks until you’ve unlocked all classes, even if you’re a returning player. Is this accurate? That makes so little sense!

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All you have to do is to beat DH in Practice Mode. The same was required for you to be able to play the rest of the classes (other than Mage).
You just have to beat the Innkeeper.

This game it’s configured with particolar alghorythms for Max earn of producer, rng It s a system for obscure alghorythms, each player must have fun but must be at the same time frustrating and must wont leave Money for other cards or others tickets for duels or arena, all under strategic business control, you think blizzy are a no profit? You understand that: each day hs earn millions, For this i decide play only f2p there are too much obscure points