What is with paladin's lack of nerfs?

Since the “nerf” that they announced is something you can pretty much ignore, why did they not nerf garden’s grace and crusader aura? or litterally ANYTHING that has an impact? I can only Hope that this is not the nerfs they were talking about and that there is more incoming…


They indirectly nerfed garden’s grace by making it take longer to get it to hand.


Just give it a few more weeks for the real nerfs as they realize the entire issue with Paladin is turns 1-4 and not curving out and drawing big cards on turn 5+.

The nerf only slightly hinders the deck, making it less consistent on turn 5+. The entire problem is the insane early pressure with divine shields and buffs that allow it to grab hold of the early board and never let go.


Can we stop with the nerfs and ask whoever is designing paladin cards to start designing cards for other classes. In a game where minion based decks are disappearing to burn decks its nice to see an actual strong mostly minion based deck (i know the weapon is burn) succeeding in the format.

There are three pretty good minion synergy decks in enrage warrior / paladin / mech rogue. I’d argue shaman is kind of in the vicinity but still lacking some cohesiveness and druid is pretty close with the dragon package but probably needs to be fleshed out over another expansion or miniset.

I hope instead of flattening paladin so we can get a year of nothing but sif mage and naga spell dh they start buffing other classes minion/minion synergy to match paladin and enrage warrior.

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Oh, ye of excessive faith.

The only way they’re going to realize anything is if Vicious Syndicate stops simping for Paladin in their editorials. And given the perpetually online top 1000 Legend mentality of VS I don’t know if that’ll ever happen.

They should get the warrior card designer do pretty much all the classes. I’d honestly prefer it if everyone had trash.


makes sense

we know they arent trying to kill the deck and thats good

I suspect they waited to nerf more things in an effort to drive up the page views and engagement statistics for this message board forum.

The recent new comments and topics suggest it is having an impact!

They’re probably giving new players a chance to win. And these aren’t exactly uncounterable.

I’d say there’s more nerfs coming, they’re just trying to balance the meta gradually.

Oh you’re new to Activision’s laziness, huh? :joy::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::joy: uh huh, just a few weeks more…

He ain’t new to it, new guy

These devs are an absolute joke. That’s why.

They want me to dust my extras early, thats why. Oh no, bliz, ive been playing sonce beta. Ill hold onto these dustable copies for the real post launch patch. Hah!


All paladin does is show everyone just how powerful Divine Shield is as an effect. I know it supposedly has a premium cost built in, but does it really? I think it’s just too easy for them to abuse the effect these days with all the cheap buff spells and handbuff minions they have, and their 3 mana spell drawing 2 minions and divine shielding them.


Blizzard doesn’t care about your common dust :rofl:

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They literally just posted that new patch will come out in a few weeks right before the tournament…so…yeah.

I’ve been saying this forever.

They weight DIVINE SHIELD as evenly as they weight taunt or lifesteal. Divine shield has gotten away with it forever. 1/1 divine shield for 1 mana…saw tons of play. How many times has a 1 mana 1/2 with taunt gotten played? Virtually never.

They don’t know how to properly stat divine shield.


That’s nonsense.

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Or maybe they realize that Divine Shield is literally the only way to stick minions on the board now. And Paladin is supposed to be the most board focused class.
Which tells me you just want Paladin to go back to getting curb stomped out of the game.

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Actually, this was the perfect nerf. They only touched one card & it impacted every Paladin deck, especially the ones that try for a quick snowball kill because it slows everything down. It also makes having two of them in your deck a wasted card.

And of course, this is not the final word on balance adjustments; more are coming.

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You’ve yet to ever acknowledge that Paladin is my 2nd most played class. It’s like you forget and then think I’m anti-Paladin when in reality I’m pro-balance and you’re pro-Paladin being broken.