What is the most efficient way to farm EXP?

Is grinding rank the best method? Can other mode farm exp easier?

I mostly play BGs and I’ve been able to grind XP pretty good.

“Play” BGs while doing other things. Start game, walk away, rinse, lather, repeat. It’s the least effort needed so has the highest return value.

Except perhaps odd warrior bots, but then you’re screwing with others’ fun.

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Just go afk in BGs while you doing something fun?


The best way to grind xp is watch stranger things and AFK battlegrounds. :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:


I tried the “afk” thing once and found the xp to be very little. Am i missing something?

Big is literally the second most xp per hour. Max xp per hour is like 400 for ranked standard. Also xp is based on time in game

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Ah okay i wasn’t sure how the xp system worked. So its not wins or such but time spent? Explains the bots i see roping everyone.

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