How does it work? and if he gets buff does he get it as will?
Attack 4 times.
Sure, but ideally this is a combo piece. Have a minion out, buff it with the Windfury spell, play this. Or Eureka it out, with 2 more mana for something like Rockbiter.
Windfury means two attacks.
Mega-Windfury means four attacks.
Mega-Windfury is a keyword that only ever existed before on a single minion - V-07-TR-0N.
Wiki article here. --
Mega-Windfury lets a minion attack four times in a turn. It’s Windfury on top of Windfury.
Thx that’s what I wanted to know. You can also use muckmorper to copy from deck.
Most likely if you cast Windfury on that new elemental, he’ll grant Mega-Windfury to himself, giving him kill priority comparable to Malygos and other minions like it.
Can’t have Echo
, but we will definitely add the obscure Mega-Windfury
to make sure everything is easier for you.
Hahahaha spot on.
Like I said in that thread, horribly inconsistent
I see your point and largely agree with it, but rallying behind this is a bit silly.
Rather than awkwardly defining Mega-Windfury after using the proper keyword Windfury, they opted to make the card neat and aesthetically pleasing, and used a card where the former would be more easily understood due to the presence of both keywords.
Besides, Blizzard will probably get the wrong idea and just remove the keyword from this card as well, making things worse in that regard.
Card effect: Each of your minions that was able to attack twice per turn may now attack one extra time per turn for each time they were previously able to attack every turn.
Much simpler to understand, and rather more intuitive than hovering over the card to define keywords, which literally exist for this reason!
They don’t need the wrong idea to remove the wrong things.
Your minions with Windfury can attack four times.
Indeed. Just like enrage was removed because it was not common enough but mega windfury, a text in two minions in the entire game is allowed to exist.