What is happening with Druid?

I am hearing a lot about Druid lately, but I haven’t faced one myself, can someone tell me what is going on? I hear it has to do with Ramp (nothing new for Druid, and part of their class identity) and the D99mkin card which is one of the dual class “broken” cards that they release sometimes. So does it have to do with this that people are complaining? When will I face one of these Druids?

You’ll face them when you start playing Standard.

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Oh, it’s a standard thing? Thanks, I was confused


Druid is capable of simultaneously swarming the field and ramping at the same time. There really isn’t any counter outside of bare minimum having a generic board wipe by turn 6. Doomskin is broken, but its really several cards that break druid as a whole.

A good rule of thumb when reading these forums. Anything to do with the game is assumed to be standard unless the thread specifically states it’s about Wild.

Most people understand Wild is at this point an abandoned mode because it would take too much to do any kind of balancing in that format. It’s there for those with old cards to play if they want. Every once in a while they throw out 1 or 2 changes but it will never be as comprehensive as standard.

Idk why this is the case. Idk the numbers of course, but I feel like more actual people play and enjoy Wild than Standard. It is the mode of play for True Champions. I also don’t understand why people try to denigrate or minimize Wild mode? Is it like a defense mechanism or something? Or some way to cope with playing a worse less interesting mode maybe? Anyway, thank you for your input on the matter, I do understand now that it is Standard Druid being complained about now, I guess it’s the Doomkin

By the numbers from Blizzard. The most popular format is BG by a WIDE margin. Next is standard. After that it’s usually Wild but sometimes Arena.

There’s several things about Druid but it’s usually the mana acceleration coupled with a card they can exploit that is high cost and power.