What is “high legend” to you?

Which is more likely to happen to me than high legend in HS.

I always consider 500 as High Legend, cause while true the top 1k is tracked, I see people who are proactive in rank tend to be 500+, as you need to play more to remain that rank vs people who play allot. I didn’t play for 1 day and went from 300 to 600+ in like 12+ hours, so I consider high legend somewhat active playing in and out to remain high for that reason

But I do agree I dislike the downplay of people getting legend with stuff cause it does take ‘some’ skill to use the deck correctly even in mirror matches.

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I’m high legend at platinum 4!

It’s awesome!


Typically standing is counted at the end of a season. Using the leaderboards is probably the fairest way.

25 Top legend (first page of https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/community/leaderboards/)
200 High legend https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/community/leaderboards/
2000 Mid legend
Rest of the legend
Diamond and so on …

This nails it exactly.

The reality is that it doesn’t really matter. The first time I hit Legend, I was walking on air. That was “high Legend” FOR ME. The next time? Not as high, but I still was proud of my accomplishment. People are going to move the goal posts. You do you, and be proud of where you get. I remember, under the old system, being elated the first time I got above rank 5. That established a new goal for me to try to match every month.

As was said earlier, we are all learning. None of us (I think) are pros (although every time I hit Legend I tell my wife I’m quitting my job and going pro…. To eye rolls). Have fun!


i mean the whole game is pretty low skill cap that requires more time then effort so its it is all kind of trash tier.

High legend is when you hit legend with boar priest. Others don’t counter.

100-1… I am at 200++ and dont consider myself as high legend…

In standard, “normal” legend should be between 1000 and 10000. If you are sub 10000, you are still in the top 50% of legend players (end of the month).

Highlegend is far more debatable.

high legends = 42

edit: that was meant to be 420
both work dependin on generation

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I have a couple follow-up questions about reaching legend or “high legend”.
Is it more difficult to reach legend in wild than it is to reach it in standard?
With the amount of cards available in wild would a player need to have a larger collection of cards and more knowledge about most of the cards and how to use and counter them correctly
So is it a more of an accomplishment to say you you are a “high legend” player in wild or standard?
Can it be done with running just one deck to reach top 500?

i’d say top 100, below that is the dumpster

Depends of what you can earn from a top.

If you can get a MT spot from a top16 or a top32, then top 2000 is high level.
If there’s nothing to earn from a top legend, then top500 is high level.

It used to be easier before the demon seed q than standard^^
Reaching legend 20 or so is both more difficult and easier.
Easier because less competition.
More difficult because top decks are harder to pilot and are played by people who focus on certain archetypes for months and/or have years of experience with them. So standard Gms don’t do that well in wild either (I have seen some GMs trying it as a distraction, they did not own eveything as they did not know the meta; wild is famous for a GM trying a wild tounament and doing poorly comparatively)

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Since no-one answer this for you I’ll give my input/advice.

IT entirely depends on your class and cards and play style. If your a control player, you’ll find it much harder in wild as you might get suck in by using all the best control cards, Mid-range and Swarm-Aggro rules majority of wild high ranks.

As for Standard, you mostly depend on a deck that isn’t way too strong that remake the format around them like Warlock was doing, unless your fine with those matchups it’ll be a slug-fest.

This is true and not true. Much like Standard - strong cards stand out more then weak cards. Depending what ‘era’ you look at for wild top decks it can feel lockdown after a few turns like it was in standard. Raza/Big Priest, Face Hunter, Token/Aggro Druid/Shamen, Mill Rogue, and etc - it completely depends on the play style you enjoy and how much you can do within a set time frame you may or may not have.

Most things are pretty refined on what a good and bad card. Once you know the good card and the deck most commonly used card, you can tune out most cards that never see play. It’s good to be aware of them due to random generating effects but you can memorize majority of the stuff.

Really I find it to be the same status, as you have people using standard decks in wild, and they only get wild cards off of RNG stuff like discovering. And if you use the strongest deck in any format, you’ll have easier time climbing if you are using a strong deck and know how to use it correctly in X matchups.

In 1 deck from start to end? Eh… not really as you get higher in rank you tend to have “Vary” tech card for pocket metas you run into. But it is 100% possible with enough time and if your deck 1 the strongest in the format.

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