What happens if i plunder deck with hootusk

without enough space for all 5 cards

im starting to think the card get discarded but nothing ingame tells you what was discarded

just played vs a quest priest i plundered his deck but only had room for 3 cards

he drew almost his entire deck before conceding (he had only 2 cards left and spend the last turn trading )
he probably thought i stole the shard and didnt play it for 8 turns …

Even if you don’t have space, you remove the 5 cards, the remaining are destroyed like when you overdraw,
that never had synergy with discard mechanic…

I usually bounce the hooktusk even if my hand is full and i don’t get much value out of it,
but just to get rid of the opponent’s deck and not be able to come back,
I play it with Brann, the minimizable pirate and the cartoonists to draw the hookstuk faster.

i couldnt see which cards were discarded deleted so not even me knew the shard was deleted …my opponent probably thought i was griefing him by not winning the game with the shard making the game last until he draw through his deck !

now i understand the emote spam at the end