What happened to this game?

Either im going against Handbuff paladin that kills you by turn 5 or im going against one of the 3 uninteractive classes in the game. Nature OTK shaman does nothing all game plays against himself pretty much then otks you. Same with warlock and druid they. game used to actually take some skill and thinking but so many decks/classes nowdays are so uninteractive its just not fun


HS design philosophy shifted from board interactiction to inevitability because people dont want to use braincells anymore. They want winz. Nao! No thinking plx.


blizzard thought adding bots to play against you was a good idea

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Brode and morhaime quit or got ran off. I don’t think there is an original dev member left.


Brode helped RUIN this game, so don’t think it is just these new devs… I however believe it is the upper manegment and stockholders who are RUINING this game with their GREEEEEEED.

We agree on so very much:)
Stockholders and management eventually ruin everything. They insist on increased profits, no matter what.
Well; better gaming than food. They really need to be banned from essentials.

But; I liked Brode and I agreed with most of his design choices.

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The simple answer is they replaced competent and passionate people on the team with unimpressive and unqualified blizzard fan boys (and girls) so they can pay them less.


Could not have said it better had I written this:)


I’ve gone against Tendril warrior 8 times now and the entire game is just them removing your board with the endless hand removal warrior has nowadays until he gets to 10 mana and spams Chaotic Tendrils til your dead by sunset volley and simultaneously wiping your board with the 3 dmg aoe. This is so fun to play against…


New expansion is total off balance and HS game is more and more unplayable.


I think that simple answer was pretty stupid.

opinions vary.


I haven’t logged in for awhile but here’s a nicer response because I wasn’t very nice before.

The current state of the game has nothing to do with the competence of the devs. The devs have likely been told that they are expected to generate x amount of revenue via x amount of microtransactions and been “suggested” certain strategies to make it happen.

The implication being that if the devs don’t use these suggested strategies and achieve these revenue goals, they may find themselves on the chopping block during the next round of layoffs.

Now I’ll be a jerk again, that guy is an idiot for blaming it on the competence of the dev team instead of on the c-suite where the blame clearly belongs.

So what you are saying here is that the creativity of the devs is lacking ingenuity in order to have both revenue and player agency ? is that right ?
If thats the case, than maybe Blizzard should get more competent devs.

They might as well just delete Wild at this point. The path they’re taking of constantly killing any Wild card, deck people whine about is unsustainable and will lead to the death of Wild anyway.

Its the opposite, the quest mages had wild paralyzed and ruined its potential, they had it like this for a long time, with this change they let it breathe, postponing its death…

Come to the Paladins side mate, more interaction, so much more fun, than going around doing ez OTK’s…

Mage is unplayable in Wild. I guess that’s balanced, right?

Blizzard tied them so much to that deck, that can led them to their ruin.
But I hope that better times will come for you, and give them win conditions according to the player’s agency philosophy
If not, i will grant you that simply they hate them…

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They have already proven that.
Team 5 has given every single play style mage has ever had to other classes with better versions, and with no nerfs, or even discussion of nerfs.

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I’m saying frustrating the players just enough to make them feel like they need to buy a few more packs to keep up with the whales but not enough to make them quit is how they have been instructed to make money. Player agency doesn’t contribute to meeting quarterly financial forecasts and maximizing shareholder return.