What does warlock supposed to do against pig priest again?

so whats the deal with pig priest skullstomping all mid range decks ? either play aggro or otk or you dont get to play the game against these brainless res spammers?

Depends on what format and archetype you’re playing.

Removal heavy Warlock should have no problem with Big Priest, in either Standard or Wild. Bonus if you’re playing with Tickatus, or any kind of mill, since BP is effectively a 30-card strategy. Even when we do shenanigans to avoid fatigue losing key cards can be really hard to deal with. There are also many variants where the only removal card in the deck is a Breath of the Infinite.

Galakrond will probably not have much of a chance, particularly in Standard, unless it leans a bit into Warlock’s very numerous control tools. Random demons from a hero card can be a Hail Mary but it’s unlikely.

Much less there’s so many cards that you can use that just wreck big priest like Leeroy and even Magtheridon or the taunt that summons 3 1 drops.

I’m playing renolock in wild without tikatus and I try to gnomeferatu bran, kazakus polymorph pot yet they still re fill the board ( if I’m not already dead as I try to get to those spesific cards with spehere of sapience) and go through my double guldan or nzoth
I guess their list is so much greedier than mine since these players dont care about ranking up at all.
just auto piloting their autowin auto lose matchups without caring about any gameplay other than flicking cards at the screen

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Mind sharing your list? If we can see, we can maybe suggest some cards to consider.

Polluting the ress poll won’t do much, since the biggest offender is blood of ghuun and shadow essence.

the 3 mana legendary seems the best counter to that deck, since is an early transform that may target the first summoned minion, but again: even if you will transform it you are far from winning anyways


BP is favoured against Reno warlock no matter what the warlock runs, since only really Kazakus and Zeph are really annoying to a BP.

Even if a renolock runs Tickatus, that is meaningless if the Priest runs wave of apathy and massdispel. I have won against Renolocks by turn 7 with BP!

Nah the merchant, guldan and nzoth is far too greedy and gets you killed against everything. And I am not sure if most legend Big Priest players still run massrez.

Play raza priest instead and enjoy your free win.

I do that on the europe server they are barely any of them above d5

Funny because most priests I face from D5-Legend are big priests.

And raza priest pretty much beats everything else anyway.

Altho I haven’t played since the Tiller combo came out so maybe it changed since the mini set released.

I’d say it’s more even than favored. I save brann and gorgon for zeph/kazakus for more polymorphs/hexes, try to get an emp tick on 10mana poly/dirty rat.

And do your damndest to get a transform off on Vargoth before they can kill it off and add it to the res pool.

(That goes for all minions actually; save your hex/poly for minions that have not yet entered the res pool. No point in hexing a minion that’s already in the res pool.)

Note on zeph, using him at 4mana with LK out won’t give you a hex :frowning:

If you aren’t dead by that time. BP has the highest tempo after a certain turn is reached.
Though it depends of what is run in a particular scenario. It makes a difference if a Rez Priest runs 2x mass rez and/or mass dispel and if the renolock runs tickatus/or merchant-nzoth.

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I see BP decks without mass dispel sometimes and I’m like… WHAT

Well, the higher in legend you go, the less Rez Priests and Renolocks you meet.
Mass dispels is good vs Reno priest, since used on curve, it can dispel thalnos and looter hoarder quite often. For this and for some other reasons, I run it in BP, else be it wouldn’t be worth the slot.

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I would definitely not feel safe piloting BP without MD!

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Actually, me neither. I always run 2 waves of apathy as well, since I fear the loatheb turn 5 by Darkglare warlocks:p

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That’s not entirely true, Tickatus can be a powerhouse against big priest, along with chaos and Nosf, Tickatus isn’t about his stats in this matchup, he’s about burning those res spells that make BP viable. Its the best feeling in the world to expired Tickatus and then on turn 8-9 burn 10 of the Big Priests cards where on turn 10 I’m burning through 20 cuz I’m playing Y’shaarj to get those two ticks back, So the poor old Big Priest is sitting there with no way to refill their board while I have plenty of remove to deal with the minions they can play. Reno, Tickatus is a good matchup against big priest…if you get the cards for curve…

Well there you have it. Bran + gnom is op as well if you burn 2 mass rez.
Liek I said, BP vs Renolock isn’t a fatigue match if the BP runs mass dispel. So ticky needs to burn it. If you have not sheeped a BP before, you will probably die, once shadow essence goes off you have a problem, especially if a bp highrolled at turn 4.

as I said before, I just queue into greediest imbeciile pig priest spammers in the game nothing to be done about it.
nothing but high cost removal and minions in their decks, zero care about winning aggro matchups
and yes I’m writing pig instead of big on purpose.