What did blizzard do to battlegrounds

Why are there 2 or 3 phases of battleground in each match I did a game of pirates only but somehow I have another row of demons before my pirates.

This is just plain stupid it just makes the match much longer drawing out for no reason.

Lol did you join a duos game and not realize it for the entire time?

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And then later he’s going to comment on some other thread and expect us to take him seriously


That was my mistake I did join a dous and thank you for reminding me about that because I forgot Battleground had that now.

I can see this happening for new players as well. I recently did a fresh install on a new phone and BG’s was defaulted to Duo’s. Nice carry over bait and switch from the cash shop.

That is what I did reinstalled of hearthstone not too long ago becuase installed it on the wrong drive.