What decks get to legend, mine aren't working

So I only play Demon Hunter, Warlock, Hunter, and Death Knight. Unfortunately, I can’t beat a mage, druid, or warrior. I need to know what counters these decks. I tried different variants to each deck but there isn’t many choices to choose from that are beneficial. I’ve played multiple seasons where I’ve reached Legend but for some reason this is the worst expansion i’ve experienced and the balance updates they have don’t really help me. I’m like thinking after I complete the season pass maybe i’ll just come back next expansion since this one isn’t great to me. I’m sure people like it and thats good for you because it hasn’t helped me one bit. I just need to know what decks are the best so I can disenchant the cards to create this deck. Apparently my decks aren’t working for me. I’m on the verge of quitting but I need to complete this season pass sadly and I honestly hate this game right now. Please help me.

Have you tried the Pain Warlock? I met this deck several times now and it is very fast.

Since you also play Death Knight isn’t the Plague Death Knight a pretty good counter to this flood of Big Spell Mages right now? I’m loosing most of my games against those mages right now.

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If you actually mean the mage spam of this week, the deck is in reality a very fast (“aggro”) deck; we’re talking pain lock speeds almost; pain lock is the fastest deck in Standard for reference.

No more than traditional methodology is needed to beat that deck; control; the best control right now is probably …still warrior …it’s always warrior … why did I even check.

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