What card are you hoping does not become core?

Which card would you absolutely hate to see make a comeback to standard?

For me, it’s this card:

And now here’s a card to really trigger some of you if this made it in

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If I had a nickel for everytime I got wrecked by divine favor… I’d have a s#$%load of nickels.

Infiltrator wasn’t so bad by itself. Archmage Vargoth is the card that triggers me for Rez preist lol.

I don’t want Doomsayer to be in the new core set. It’s not that it’s particularly broken or anything. It’s just an annoying and uninteresting stall tool. Vs aggro/mid range It’s powerful sure. Vs other control/combo decks It’s completely useless. I just don’t like the design of the card.

Obviously you know I don’t want to see raise dead in the core set :P. I find it pretty unlikely that dual class cards will be anyways though.

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As much as I enjoy the current versions of DH, I hope these 2 cards never see the light of day.

Common · Spell · Demon Hunter Initiate · Give your hero +2 Attack this turn. Add

Rare · Spell · Demon Hunter Initiate · Deal damage equal to your hero

Frankly I think we need Divine Favor now more than ever. There needs to be harder punishes for these stupid solitaire decks that spam card draw and OTK you or whatever. If Glide is OK then so is DF.


Justicar, unless Control Warrior was unplayable.

Paladin has no good card draw. Every other class does. Why shouldn’t divine favor be in the core set?


Card draw isn’t really supposed te be a strength for palidan. Plus it promotes some really gross low curve decks where you vomit your hand and then draw like 6 cards for 3 mana

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So are we just to forget the lesson that “bad at card draw” is not an acceptable weakness anymore? Hunter can draw like crazy if it wants to; is that a class that is supposed to draw a lot?

Divine favor gives Paladin draw in a very thematic way; it equalizes things. A strong baseline draw tool like that seems smart to me. I don’t even like playing decks it’s strong in, I just roll my eyes when people complain the Paladin got to catch-up to all the cheap draw THEY had access to in a conditional way.


Because it has been the strongest class, on average, for 3 or so years now?

Yeah, lets go with that!

Librams and paladin’s other very strong packages will be gone when rotation and the next core set comes.

I am not talking Librams,
I am talking Paladin.

The class is overdue for some time in the dumpster.

I don’t think having classes taking turns to be overpowered is good for the meta.

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I think having Paladin be on top for so long earns them a spot at the low end of the meta.

That doesn’t make it OK for the game to repeat the long, unhealthy cycle it has been through for so many years.

Yes, it does make it ok.

Lets see some variety, not Paladin and (more recently) Hunter always at the top.

So your reason you want them to not have an ancient, possibly not even that great, piece of card draw, is literally “I want the class to suck”?

Yes, I want Paladin to suck. They have been the best performing class for a LONG time, its time for them to get knocked down a peg or 3.

Before the pedant known as Boreas come is, I am talking on average.

And on average, its been the best class, by far, for years.

Best performing where, in bronze? Certainly not in legend.

Always high T2, if not T1.

For at least 3 years.

Yes, Paladin deserves a time in the dumpster.

Well luckily for you your desire for them to suck DID happen with the last 3 years. Paladin was so bad last cycle they were getting meme segments on Vicious
Syndicate for a while with Shaman

So bad times fulfilled and it’s ok for the class to be decent. Some card draw to play control or even more aggro would be nice. Should the class be midrange only forever?