What can one get from watching HS Grandmasters other than free packs?

Hello, to all whom maybe new to Hearthstone!

If you have browsed the forums here recently than you may have noticed that by linking your battle.net account to either your Youtube, or Twitch account you can score some free packs for Hearthstone by watching the Grandmasters Esport broadcasts. If not than you can find what you need to know here…

Now, onward to the nuts of this post…
What can you get from watching HS Grandmasters? You may have thought that the best takeaway one can get from watching was just free packs…

But, guess what? I can’t stress this enough… Not only could you find a broadcast you may like that is about Hearthstone, and for Hearthstone; You could come back to the game with loads of new insight that is extremely beneficial in improving your game!

You could spend hours reading every article, or post pertaining to the game, but still not have the experience of actual HS play. By watching games played via Twitch streamers, or vids on YouTube… and of course Grandmasters, you will gain a glimpse of actual experience that is only slightly short of actually playing the game.

What can you learn?

From the most played cards to the most critical scenarios in which a card is played. You could learn proper mana management to managing your cards in hand (Demon Hunter players take note - keeping outcast cards in the most optimal positions).

I have created this post to share with you a very rewarding way to learn the game thus giving you a solid basis for your road to becoming the best Hearthstone player you can be, so get ready… Tune in, and forge your path here in the barrens!!!

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