What are your favorite cards from Forged in the Barrens?

  1. Southsea Scoundrel
  2. Tamsin Roame
  3. Power Word: Fortitude

Is that N’Zoth? I could never understand what it was saying lol.

Hell yeah! I don’t have the card but it’s pretty dang awesome! I’ve been destroyed by him a couple times and it’s always spectacular. :smiley_cat:


I think I’m the first to say Firemancer Flurgl. When you put that down, then infect it with Toxfin, it’s so satisfying. I kinda miss having Toxfin in Standard.

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Absolutely. If they give 1 or 2 more cards support to hero power Mage it could define a new meta. He’s just that good and there’s no protection from losing a 1/3 of your health. Sleeper card of the set IMO that WILL see top level play eventually.

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