What are the two decks you absolutely hated playing against

The Un’goro quest rogue. Maiev’s skin will always trigger that feeling of horror again.

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any strong shaman dck

Any Priest deck with Ressurrect shenanigans.

I’ve a feel Reno and Zeph will be core next year :slight_smile:

Deck of Lunacy Mage
Barrens Control Priest
Res Priest
Dr Boom Control Warrior
Highlander Priest (Infinite Zeph. So skill)

That’s about it. Everything else I’ve been able to tolerate to some degree

Guess you misplaced Garrote rogue then since it was and still is probably the most skill-demanding archetype this game has had.

I hated that original Quest Mage. Not because the the OTK, but because of the freeze effects. I’d have a full board and then it was Frost Nova, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Ice Block, Ice Block, Ice Block. So many consecutive turns where I could not do anything with my minions or even play any cards if I was frozen and board locked. Hated that.

Note, however, that I did not come to the forums everyday calling for nerfs just because I didn’t like it.

Current Quest Warlock and Lifesteal OTK DH, with special mentions to Mill and Caverns Below Rogue and Rez Priest.

Patron Warrior and Jade Druid come to mind.
Shudderwock Shaman. I’m sure there are more.

Sure, ok. If you say so.

I’m liking my new shaman with freeze.

In no particular order: original Shudderwock shaman, caverns below rogue, Kingsbane rogue, mill rogue, current fatigue warlock, current quest mage, Dr. Boom control warrior, turtle mage, jade druid.

Yeah both statistics and pros support that you idk what to tell you.

Lol pros! That’s funny.

quest Pirate warriors it way to consistant and the quest (and smite) added way to much value to an allready good deck, it doesnt help i hate garrosh the character with a pasion also

Yeah hilarious that people who actually compete have an opinion. So funny!

Questline Warrior
Questline Warlock
Questline Mage
Resurrection Priest
Basically any control Priest or Mage

Sure, there have been metas with dominant decks. But no meta has been as unfun as this one, with the questlines

Just paladin, as a class.
Just stupid amounts of curvestone and really obnoxious stats for the cost. Most play the green card class of hearthstone.

Res Priest and DoL Mage.
