Well Played needs to be removed

If you really want to say well played then say it sometime at the beginning or middle of the game. Waiting till you have lethal shows your a poor winner in my opinion.

In almost 400+ games only a mere 6% of the players actually say well played when they LOSE. While over 52% say it when they have lethal.

I know the debate and I call you out on it cause if you trounce me it was not a good game and you saying it was is a slap in the face. HOWEVER:

If it really was a good game that came down to the wire then sure I can understand the saying but we all know that rarely happens.

Sorry while some of you actually mean it I know many do it as a form of HAHA I WON B**ch… just like I know when the winner says Good game and the loser threatens means FU winner…

Also this is not a sport regardless of what some people think it is a VIDEO game not a sport. Here is the definition of Sport:

an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

This game does not involve any physical exertion so please keep sports and this game separate. 2 totally different things.

If well played was removed, you’ll be back in a couple of weeks time to talk about how “thanks” should be removed because they thanked you before going for lethal, then “greetings”, then “wow”, Then “mistake”, then “threaten”.

If you feel so strongly about your opponent emoting at any point of the game, I urge you to squelch them at the start, it’s hassle-free and takes no time to do.
A longer term solution would be to no see your opponent’s “well-played” as having ill intent. Weather they meant it to or not is irrelevant to you, maintain the mindeset that they truly enjoyed the game they had with you, and move on to the next one.


I really would not say it is hassle free as it is repetitive and annoying.

Also I am sick and tired of people telling other people how to think.

This is a perfect example of your mindset working against you. I’m not telling you what to do, I’m giving you suggestions that would help you not feel as if you’re being attacked at every corner. What I am giving you is advice.

There are countless streamers out there that immediately squelch the opponent as the game starts, it costs literally seconds of your time that you would not spend doing anything more than staring at the screen as you wait for your opponent to make their first play.

If you have so much disdain towards others giving you advice, perhaps posting on a public forum is ill-advised.

@Coolbreeze ok fair enough but some people (I am one of them) get tilted regardless it is not some switch you can flip to make yourself not assume the worst. I find it deplorable that any game company would not help people with mental disorders when the solution is so simple.

Many people have this issue as well and nothing can be done about it as it is simply who we are. Sure I can manually squelch every single game but it is hard to remember to do sometimes and people like me should not have to do it every single game when every single game I have ever played save this one has auto toggles on chat or in this case bubbles.

To me Blizzard condoms e-bullying when they force their players to manually squelch every single game. I have also seen the reasoning against having a auto-toggle for squelch and they all fall short for the simple reason: your rights end where mine begins. (that is also a Supreme Court Ruling)

I will say. I wish the light show didn’t go off when you squelch someone. I have a buddy who used to play this game. He used an auto squelcher and had a sticky note stuck to the monitor over the portrait lmfao… I told him that’s a bit much but he insisted he would have never gotten legend without blocking the annoying lights xD

When the game ends, I emote Well Played. Always (**).
Just as when I play a real game, face to face, I think you for the fun and challenge when the game ends. It’s called common courtesy.

(**) Exception - I’ll only skip it if you made really terrible misplays or if the lethal comes too uinexpected for me and I’m too late.


Right, you thank the opponent for a game well played. That’s the whole point of it. However, a lot of players use Well Played in a very toxic way. I mean if this forum was the old format, I’m sure the OP would be buried alive at this point from all the down-votes. Which I’m glad is dead and gone, because OP is not wrong. However, the other emotes are no better. If you hate Well Played, you’re really going to hate when they spam “Thank you!” as they beat your bloody skull to smithereens relentlessly and you’re just standing there like end it already! lmfao


Its not their fault they do not understand it they can’t it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to understand it. They also confuse a video game with reality as I am usually pretty good at reading body language and can tell by the tone of voice or their actions if they are being a jerk or not when in person. You can’t do that in a video game and we all know that a VAST majority of people do things online that they would NEVER do in person.

It seems like standard sportsmanship to greet your opponent at game start and well played them at the end, regardless of who wins. At soccer, the kids all get in a line to high-five the other team whether they win or lose.

I realize some people are doing it to be a jerk, but not all of us are.

See the problem is I do not CARE what your meaning is I have no way of knowing because I am not there personally. Stop comparing real life sports to a video game on the internet.

Well, if YOU do not care, then you will find no sympathy when asking devs of a free to play game to change it to YOUR liking. Use the squelch feature and move on.

I do but they won’t give us an auto squelch manually sucks all the fun out of the game when you have to do it 40+ times a day.

I’m not sure why they won’t implement it, since there has been a request to remove almost every emote. All I can say is good luck in your quest to have it removed. I’m still not going to change my own practices for fear of hurting someones feelings in a video game. I say well played and I mean it, whether the opponent understands my meaning or not.

If that’s true, then why are you bothered when people emote you?

I am sorry that you do not understand but unless you have what me and other people have you will never understand no matter how much we try and explain it to you.

Eeuuhhmmm … oversensitivity?

No it is called reality. I get tired of people thinking they know how people like me feel when they do NOT. You all should grow up and accept the fact that you know nothing about things you know nothing about.

And yet here you are, complaining about other people emoting you based on your interpretation of what those other people think and mean when emoting.

And then when I come in and, without assuming or saying anything about your thoughts and feelings, simply explain my own thoughts, feelings, and meaning about/of certain emotes, you suggest that I pretend to know your feelings.

I don’t think removing the emote is a good way to improve the game, trolls are always gonna troll. if you dont like em, squelch em.