Well great, I hate whoever said we would go "negative"

Alright Captain obvious. The thing is, there’s this thing called customer relations. Pissed off people don’t tend to want to give you money. It’s about time Blizzard started doing the right thing, lord knows they’ve had enough bad press. They’ll cave, but as usual we have to get the pitchforks out first.

Why you’d want regular people to lose out just so a greedy corporation saves pennies is beyond me.


No way blizzard pisses of it’s players this must be a first in history for them…they probably would never make their players mad again.

An yes I would love for them to just come out and say “we don’t care what you all think”. Cause guess what, people will still play lol

I mean, surely the fact they’ve done it before makes it less ok they’re doing it again?

Some people will still play, others won’t. Eventually you get a dead game.

If it actually mattered there would have been changes long ago. An yet here we are, just another round of people crying about how it’s unfair and how this is mine and how dare they.

I find it amusing and enjoy watching people cry about something they choose to support with the history they have.

Alright, if other’s suffering is what gives you your kicks, good luck to you. I prefer to have empathy.

Have you considered working for Blizzard?


So people who support a company knowing they will eventually screw them over deserve empathy?

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Whatever edgelord. Empathy costs nothing. But then so does being a jerk I guess, and that’s your right.

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Yeah guess I should support the people who are actively promoting blizzards horrible treatment of their player base. I mean why not just also support their amazing treatment of their staff as well?

Eh? Their playerbase is treated horribly so they deserve to be treated horribly? Cool. Nice logic.

Let’s just agree to disagree on this one…we aren’t getting anywhere.

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No you don’t get a ban and its not an exploit when it was blizzard who send the dust

We were talking about punishment in WoW for exploiting or taking advantage of Blizzard’s mistakes.


I didn’t get the Double pop up bug and still got the dust taken back.

This is the solution

I’m pretty anti-blizzard these days, but it looks like some intern made an honest mistake and there’s pretty much no fix that makes everyone happy. At least this way everyone gets something, even though the people who didn’t spend their accidental dust still lose out


Because you having 16.8k free dust would’ve been fair to those who got 0 ?


There was a tweet that said Blizz could go negative if they wanted. They did not,
cuz that would be terrible publicity. Btw, banks do take money back (even if you spent it) if a wrong transfer was made.


I’m never being a good ant again.


Oh my god I’m so happy that I spent the dust before this happened… I’d be extremely pissed as well if I had lost the dust without crafting anything.

I had duplicates of tavern track rewards.

They said we got dust for those copies. I assumed the halfway mark was at least legit. (8400)

16,800 did seem excessive.

But again very unfair for those who spent it not to lose what they crafted if the “credit” was reversed for everyone else

I am wondering how so many people could find so many golden cards :joy:

Maybe the dust came from golden cards that you got from the honor quest, but you didn’t have more than 2 copies to begin with, so you should have never got any dust (but the system was bugged)?

The quest gave 12 golden rares (9600 dust, not 8400, so I don’t know if that’s the case)

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I mean, the dust was SUPPOSED to be given out to people who got duplicates of uncraftable cards. So if dust was handed out correctly it would be fair.

Onto the main topic. Hope they implement negative dust for those who spent more than they were supposed to.