easy to pull with this and the other ones revealed(photon cannon and construct pylons )
To even see play that card needs Elusive.
even without the double stats a 5/8 with divine shield and taunt we can drop for 5 isnt exaclty a bad card
Straight stat minions get removed so fast in game now. They need to at minimum not be targeted by single removal spells to be playable.
it has stats divine shield and taunt doesnt a paladin card that all of thos e see play ?
Single play big taunt/DS paladin minions get wiped up easily in Paladin. When the paladin reloads 1 drops that are 6/6 or bigger that’s the problem. Followed up by charge minions that are buffed and are cheap.
Paladin decks that aren’t Libram are all about going wide on turn 5/6 with cheap minions.
I would even be scared of board wide effects that don’t care of Elusive.
This game is too scary for playing anything with a big body.
“Darn Priests” - Celestalon
im just sad they didnt use the immortals special shield
The immortal gains a barrier which absorbs 100 damage before falling
maybe absorb 10 extra dmg?