Welcome to weaponstone

ENJOY YOUR 1 MANA DEAL 8+ while your opponents have to tech useless vanilla cards that only work vs 3 classes in a 30 cards slot deck and you wont draw em anyways!

Don’t put those vanilla cards in your deck if you can’t draw them. Problem solved.

Why not just play that OP deck then?

Ooze is not an usless vanilla card!
In fact, some days ago someone proposed to nerf it because it was too OP.

Out of curiosity: what card can deal 8+ damage for just 1 mana?

Angry Chicken. It’s too OP.

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Nitroboost wich is actually 1 mana deal 6, i was counting the dagger… still pretty busted.

If you count Warlock hero power too, it will be 10dmg 1Mana. Nerf it please :rage:

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