Welcome to end of hearthstone

If the devs actually listened or responded constructively to criticism, maybe people wouldn’t feel the need to be vulgar. The fact of the matter is, people have simply had enough. They’re tired of watching the game they once loved turn into a power crept mess. They’re tired of screaming into the void hoping the devs will listen to their complaints. They’re just fed up, plain and simple. If you wanna know why the game is in the state it’s in, it’s because the devs believe they know better than anyone else as they torch what little remains of the original Hearthstone experience.


The real thing that broke the game i think… Card draw got to cheap. Rush decks are supposed to run out of steam… Yeah they do around turn 15 with 5 cards left in their deck usually. Lack of card draw allows big minions to last on the board instead of always having some sort of kill card or one you discovered to deal with the option. You definitely had to use this kills any minion card more sparingly when you ONLY have the chance to use it twice.

Look at the limitations of card draw in early hearthstone and the minions that had it. Looter 2/1 had to die. NERFed a 1/2 to a 1/1 for 2 Cause omg powerful. Now you get 2/2 and 2/3’s that immediately draw a card. IF you change Card draw… You completely change the game. Its a joke that Warlocks have to still pay 2 and 2 health to draw a card when other classes go Oh I will draw 2 or 3 cards for 3 or 4 mana get minions and other things out of it.

Midrange decks don’t have a place in hearthstone. The only thing close is maybe Blood DK and control priest but they just more prolong the game and deck their opponent over really doing much but survive and bleed out any real midrange deck. If you haven’t killed them by turn 6 usually you need some sort of OTK combo to get over their constant healing, board wipe options, and crazy health.

Hunters tend to have a very balanced experience they sorta can rush with the right hand but not as aggressive as a frost or plague DK. Their mid game is survialist to get to the finish of 16/16+ King crush. If they don’t get outrushed or OTKEd first.

Sometimes in my opinion in card games its good to have a hard reset… Okay we are going to discount the cost of next years expansion… .because those cards will only be good for 1 year. We are going to reset standard back a bit to deal with the power creep over the last 10 years so it feels more balanced to players again. They won’t surprise us they will tell us what they are doing. That way they can print underpowered cards again but its a new reboot so everythings balanced again instead of trying to do that and everyone just uses the previous years broken cards for a year till they phase out.

Just like a new class to an MMO or like when they introduced DH and DK to hearthstone… Oh look make the new class broken so people buy the expansion… we will nerf it a few weeks but let them have fun with the broken new class. HAPPENS EVERY GAME CAUSE IT SELLS GAME CAUSE Everyone finds it fun beating on the old classes.

Remembers my frost DK Tanking like 20 people in PVP and laughing SO silly!

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It’s so pretentious to think that just because you’re not having a good time in the game right now, it means the majority of the player base feels the same way. lol


Lol you tell me how many ways there are to interpret this direct quote from the Blizzard devs:

We often found ourselves falling back on the same few class themes: buffs, dudes, pure, then buffs, then dudes again, and then pure… On top of that, we were constrained by the “Paladin has to be fair” restriction. There are only so many ways to do that directly (Equality, Divine Favor), and it basically meant we couldn’t do cool stuff for the class unless their opponent got to do it, too. We’ve been phasing out this type of “has to be fair” restriction for a while now, while looking for other ways make Paladin still feel righteous.

Literally nothing is taken out of context. They have explicitly stated that in this one particular design choice (i.e. what to add to Paladin,) they’ve basically thrown any considerations for “has to be fair” out.

Summary in laymans terms based on paraphrasing the devs thought process:

Oh that damn pesky “has to be fair” requirement. What if we just threw it out? Oh I guess we could just print whatever the hell we think is cool.

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Hilarious, I’m betting I’ve skimmed more anti blizzard posts from mallenroh than you’ve played hearthstone games. The guy doesn’t stop complaining.


Nice of you to ignore this part:

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I dunno why i even still care. It has been the end of hs in slow motion for a few years now.

That was an interesting read

My initial feeling from it is this guy is out of touch.

Sure, it’s fun to play “neat” things, but this only lasts for a while before everyone is using a deck to win instead of trying something new. That isn’t to hate on those out there who homebrew or create unique OTKs Like Mark etc. etc.

And their concept of “power” is fairly skewed when they say “numbers” are the core adjustment they use when balancing, which, if I read this correctly, they DON’T LIKE TO DO. Well, my response would be, playtest your game before you release it and take into consideration the “neat” things your putting out in a long term window instead of a short term.

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Okay let’s go by points here :

  1. Wisdom of norgannon is slow.

It’s not a bad card but you can count on your hands the number of times it is casted for 0.
It’s usually casted for 2 and maybe 1 unless you’re playing against an idiot or got very late into the match you just gonna have no time to discount it to 0.

  1. Most players play aliby really bad.

Play before the OTK isn’t necessarily a bad play but it’s usually better to use it to greedy UP before your board clear turn taking far more from the opponent in the process.

  1. As for OTK.

I only really aim to OTK control decks. There are far better approaches to play against the average deck like chip a decent amount of damage so you not need that big of a burst.

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Looking in game at all the new portraits that players have purchased, I can say the devs do not have to care about the game state. There are still players spending lot of money on this game for packs and/or esthetic stuff.

I have not spent a single dime on this game since The Grand Tournament. I only play with the Gold I earn and since I can’t keep up I am pretty much stuck with playing Priest and Rogue so I can steal new cards to try them haha.

Anyway, this game is far from dying but it has become what it is and that is that.


What a ridiculous deliberate misread. With any design process you sketch out a framework first and worry about finer details later. But it’s hard to believe you’re having an honest discussion here.

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Then they should at least unnerf all cards in wild mode.

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Yes yes yes… just like the last expansion was… and the one before that… and the one before that. :roll_eyes:

It’s always the “worst expansion ever!” Yet you are all still here, still playing, still deeply engaged. :man_facepalming:


are they really that deeply engaged? You know a lot of people play this while on the toilet, right? Most people playing the game AREN’T streamers.


The first thing that comes to mind with the exponential powercreep is yugioh. But atleast in that game you can interact with the opponent on their turn.


Yeah lol mallen always bashes t5 and hs, the other guy with the gasmask and about 8 to 9k post thats the licker


Who is removing them, you dingus?

We have no moderators, other readers are flagging your posts.

You’re not hurting the devs, people here just find you dumb.

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I like this expansion!

thing that cause damage to HS is copying decks. When people copy deck they cant value another cards and yell that they dont like something. Standart becomes boring when people play the only 40 cards when they have 300+ cards for each class

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I guess I’m referring to folks who play and are also post here regularly, complaining about the game. I’d say those folks are deeply engaged.

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Some of us complain because we want the game to be better. While Hearthstone has always had balance issues, it just seems to get worse over time and the dev team seems a lot less concerned with balance or the relative power levels of each class. Just taking a look at the class cards available to each class in Standard should illustrate this pretty well. There are some classes that have stronger cards and/or cards that synergize much better with each other. Then you have those classes whose cards are just a mess of different ideas that don’t mesh together or even seem to actively work against each other. I never understood why Blizzard felt the need to remove direct damage spells from priest when other classes are allowed to do this and do it a LOT better than priest can (just look at current shaman). That seriously limits how priest is allowed to play and pigeon-holes them into being a minion-centric class that has board clears that are usually symmetrical and kill off their own board…counterproductive. People hate playing against priests because of all the copying and “thieving” but guess what? It’s what Blizzard has forced the class to do to survive. Some classes just seem to get everything handed to them on a platter, and this really isn’t good for the health of the game or people’s enjoyment of it. Neither is being able to pop off for 30+ damage on turn 5. I know we shouldn’t really expect much in the way of strategy in Hearthstone anymore, but their focus on the mobile aspects of the game and quick games have really wrecked a lot of what made this game enjoyable. Like many others, these days I tend to play just enough to do my quests on any given day and that’s largely due to not being able to enjoy the shenanigans I see going on. TLDR: I just want the devs to show some actual care for the game’s balance, it’s not really that much to ask is it?