This last expansion is the final nail in the coffin for Hearthstone with Titans. I’m not the only one saying this because also are many YouTuber’s so Blizzard went too far. This expansion just makes the match snowball out of control so fast it’s not funny.
Blizzard, if wants to play Yugioh I would but instead would like to play normal hearthstone again.
HS also has far more power creep than yugioh. In yugioh a card can still be relevant 2-3 years after it’s printed. In HS it’s rare for a card to still see play 1 year later (and that’s saying a lot since yugioh also has more expansions per year than HS).
Killing the same damn broken, over statted, cheated out minion six or seven times in the same game isn’t fun.
The snowballing of “well, they got X down, so it’s pretty much done now” is not good game play.
It doesn’t feel like decisions matter, you can’t get an advantage from knowing your opponent’s deck because they’re just going to make more of whatever they need, and I’m done.
For those of you confused why the game is in this state, please have a read from the recent devs post that basically says they are tired of balancing the game and just want to introduce new and more broken mechanics continuously in a hamsterwheel:
They have basically admitted to not caring about balance.
Maybe it’s the fact that i play tons of mage but my decisions matter more than ever.
I have different mulligans depending on my opponents deck.
I have to think the correct time to use stuff like aliby.
I have decide when to go for draw because it isn’t cheap.
All of that while playing a competitive deck.
In general while it’s true that there is a ton of powercreep compared to last expansion my games are really meaningfull and i even can take my replays and point where and how.
The powercreep really made the class age better. But of course the only thing someone gonna say will go in the lines of “hurdur RNG,hurdur OTK”.
People are entitled to their opnion and if it really trigger you so much you’re free to ignore,scroll by or whatever.
About the expansion.
I tried elemental decks discovering they’re really fast(as much as mech rogue) but not consistent enough.
I tried the popular build of rainbow mage and found it just too slow and too draw dependant for someone to use as a main deck.
And now i in the phase of thinkering techs against this meta and discovering that many non Titans cards that did see little to no play before benefited a lot from the actual meta and it isn’t settle yet.
It’s really fun to hit mech rogue back with his own mechs.
I think the problem is most of the decks are boring to play against and the game isn’t really able to become fresh again.
Im not sure how many people like playing against blood dk/priest… but those decks have been generally the same for a year now
OTK shaman/mage aren’t really exciting matchups… Watch them draw draw draw…spam some removal until the OTK turn
Druid/Warlock get to turn 5 or 6 and just spam a bunch of stats.
Warrior has been pretty underwhelming outside of enrage for a year and a half but if ‘control warrior’ ever becomes a thing it can be stuck in the same catagory as blood dk/priest
The game just seems stale. Most of the ‘new’ cards are just reskinned concepts from old expansions (bomb dk, jade paladin/priest). None of it particularly interesting to play against or even play as.
There seems to be a real lack of innovation in card design right now.
I get the feeling HS dev meetings are something like:
Dev 1: Hey guys, I got this idea for a cool new mechanic that will set tons of packs!
Dev 2: Have you done any testing to see how it interacts with other current mechanics?
Dev 1: Nope, I said it would sell tons of packs though didn’t I?
Dev 2: Ok let’s put it into the game.
Rest of Dev team keeps quiet and continues checking tik tok for latest trends and naked people…
How is it fun to just have decks snowball with no chance of coming back? Or have cards that wipe board for cheap and then spam spells to the face?
You SHOULD NOT automatically lose because you don’t have instant removal turn 3-4. Nor should you lose because mage wiped your board for 4 mana and then proceeded to spell damage to the face for 15.
It’s just not fun. At least raise the health to 40. Until then, it’s just going to be a very cheesey game. I mean, I like cheese. But these is some stinky cheese.
Right. It seems the direction the devs are going in is the opposite of back and forth interactive gameplay. It’s simply just playing OP cards that auto-win if you don’t have removal right away. You should have time to find removal for a minion. Not auto lose because you didn’t draw X removal in your opening hand or next turn.