We Should Have Two End of Season Rewards for Wild and Standard

Guys, can we get back on topic? Why are Wild players rewarded the same as the real format’s players?

Because Wild is a legitimate format that even has it’s own official Esports events.


They’re not, you can only receive one chest from either mode, I want there to be one chest rewarded for both modes separately.

He’s under the impression that Wild players shouldn’t be rewarded for anything at all.

I disagree, naturally.

Understandably so, he’s just trolling your thread.

To be expected, from a Yogg player.

I might try standard If both formats got chests lol


I like the color green, so I went with this. I was deciding between this and Gul’dan, as I main Warlock.

Oh, well I think you should’ve went with Gul’dan. Way cooler.

Imagine getting to rank 5 Wild and Standard, so much value for the hard work you did for both modes!


Makes sense to me!..

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I could see the reasoning for both sides of the argument. I would benefit a lot as someone who could easily maintain r5 in both formats if I wanted to split my time between formats more evenly.

My only ‘wish’ is that the Wild chest could reward Wild cards, heh

Easily… Blizzard would probably bleed players faster if they didn’t. Just ebcause I choose Wild right now doesn’t mean I couldn’t easily hit Legend in the ‘real format’ either. Honestly below r5 there is no difference in quality of play for awhile until upper legend (I imagine)

Also… why od you care?

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This is a great idea. Personally will never play wild as I dust sets after rotation but I think it would help get more people into both formats.

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The best idea on this thread.


Wild support??? BLASPHEMY!


:face_palm: Wild mode is for players who cannot let go of their past fantasies of greatness. Yes, unscrupulous people will try to profit off others vulnerabilities.

Because desperately seeking validation that [once relevance] is [still relevant] is unhealthy for the game, and, let us be candid, it is unhealthy for the individual to be stuck in the past.

No, it isn’t. Willd is for players that enjoy using ALL the cards they have earned throughout the years. Every year in Standard, there are only two to three decks that rise to the top. Every year in Standard, it is the same complaints.

“Too much control.”
“Too much combo.”
“Too much aggro.”

No matter how varied the standard meta is, everyone complains about a stale meta. Wild doesn’t have that problem. It takes a long time before you start seeing the same decks over and over again. You just never know what you are going to face and that makes it fun.

Nobody is stuck in the past. You’re just jealous that you don’t have as many cards as we do. There are quite a few standard cards that have found their way into the Wild metagame that have become staples. DK Valeera comes to mind. ALL the rogue decks run her for sure. Also, cards that never saw a lot of play have a chance to be seen in Wild. Quest Shaman, Quest Druid, etc. I see those on occasion. It is a wide format with a very varied pool.

Making such claims is absurd and thinking that you’re the God of Hearthstone because you dominate Standard Metagame is a ridiculous mentality to have.

Nope. The rewards you get wouldn’t justify the amount of lame netdecking in both formats that would occur.
At least right now netdeckers have no reason to switch their chosen format and also ruin the other mode.

It’s not that everyone complains about every meta, rather different people have issues when the game goes in an overall direction they disagree with. Those who love aggro with hate a control meta, and vice-versa.

We shouldn’t deny rewards simply based on the decks people wish to play. Netdecking is inevitable, and it would do you well to not be so fussed up about it.