We Reach This Point In The Game?

When a 4 manas card give FREAKING 15 DAMAGE!!! and everyone is fine with it?

In this case how about a MASSiVE buff to Fireball turn into Piroblast to balance things a little bit.

Horizon’s End just could not exist for this cheap, just don’t.


and poisonous should affect hero aside from minions

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At this point I don’t have so sure if can’t decide that.

Its not like there have never been 3/4 mana board clear cards that can potentially do 15 damage. While the 15 damage is guarenteed, its hard to use it all in 1 turn. Its definitly a really good card though

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Ok, how about a mage spell give 6 damage in the end of the turn for 2 turns then extra 3 in the next one after that for pitful 4 manas, it is ok a 4 manas card give 15 FREAKING DAMAGE!!! only because is not all at once? You are out of your mind?!?!?!?

Really good card? It is one of most broken cards even released in this game.

What devs and some players have being smocking lately?

4 mana 15 damage? Those are rookie numbers.

Per the braindead devs… they prefer you use 0 mana 15 damage

Repeated 3 times.